As an ordinary citizen of this great nation, it is my humble request to all left leaders not to let this deal go off and force the country in backwardness. Look at how China has been progressing, China once considerd the bastion of communism has embraced globalisation and liberalisation like no other country in this part of the world. India needs Nuclear energy for our economy to grow at 9-10% per annum and be an economic powerhouse. Left does not have right to stall India's progress. If you do this you will be counted as traitors and history will not spare you. So watch you actions and dont force the country in a mid-term election by bringing in your balloning egos in between the progress of this great country. Watch out what you do otherwise the people of this nation will throw you out from your very bastions of power in WB and Kerala
Dont compromise with bloody left & BJP go ahead with deal,wt will b happen happen!!! If mid term poll happen shd happen!!! I think left & BJP should be finished if they dont support 123 n-deal!!!!
left are all time betrayer!!!!! But BJP why r u with left??? If you dont support this deal we Indian ppls never pardon to you!!! Pls support it for our country's goodness!!Otherwise we shd understood left & BJP shame!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE don't call the communists , Dogs....dogs might go on a strike in disgust. Dogs are better. communists are a group of parasites who live on low income workers sweat and blood, and of course their votes. If the working class cease to exist communist will also cease to exist. They do things in a way that it appeases the low income working class, the minorities and so on. The word revolution wd be soon out of the dictionary as it's seldom used by any one in this modern world. carrots,kachoris and brinjals can survive with their big mouths till the working class exist.
In the real NEW world, America need India and India need America....
Though I don't like America. There is nothing wrong to get the technology and screw them back like they have done to Germans in 1940-70's.
America is bankcrupt. So, they need ASIAN money to buy their bread and butter by selling Nuke or whatsoever technology....
In a multi-polar world, America has very few friends...countless enemies....It is neccessary and in the best interest of Americans to work with Indians to be friends...
Having said that...If they try to screw India..even God will not bless AMERICANS.....
USE AMERICA...Give them their own bitter medicine...Nothing wrong...Karma or Darma..Be that as Indian Style!!
The lefts in Bengal made millions poor!! Thats their big achinevement to date..... Please.... NEVER VOTE TO LEFTS....
Atleast economic policies of Manmohan made millions of Indians to eat three meals a day..