by T a s i n on Aug 16, 2007 06:44 PM Permalink
wat crap... Ok he was a good president.. so... shall we make hime president for 100 yrs... be reasonable and get some work...
by Kumar Kalyan on Aug 16, 2007 06:49 PM Permalink
We are talking for 2nd terms only not for 100 years. Or else we shld go for some Highly respected/Gentle person. We do not like this corrupt lady at all.
Why do you waste your time and our time for this currupt lady...we don,t consider her as our president... Who bothers if she has a chai or wine...with her long as she does not open another bank for her relatives...we are relieved..
by Tejen on Aug 16, 2007 07:19 PM Permalink
Who cares for your advice? All the Indian nationals have to agree that she is the Hon'ble respectable President of our nation. If you don't agree, u are free to get out of the country. Have some sense and try to respect the dignity of the office.
This miniscule minority of so called intellectuals (or illiterates) always take pride in bashing this aristocratic women risen through ranks. Through her initial performance, it appears she is far better than the shabby looking Kalam.
Wow ....politics entered presidential polls as well It was just like a local MLA election this time It was like Sonia Gandhi decided and everybody agreed . All you people Kalam should have been given another chance. Another rubber stamp or a puppet in the Italian Ladies show
by on Aug 17, 2007 06:12 AM Permalink
This is the first time that a presidential election in India has been looked upon with so much interest. The reason being Dr Kalam. He did set a standard which is far higher than the other presidents. He was accepted at every level and did not bow to the likes of any political parties. Thats the primary reason why the congress wanted him out. Such a shame he was not given a second term. He was an inspiration to one and all. I cannot compare this lady with him, as some one rightly said she should go back and take care of her house hold things .. make "chai" for her husband and kids ... Now she is the picture of our growing India , the thought itself sucks.. Just a mere puppet of congress.. bad for the country.