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Make Another Deal
by Jehan Mir on Aug 12, 2007 01:51 AM  Permalink 

It appears once you get taste of blood of politics,it gets difficult to give it up. Nawaz Sharif has not gotten over it in seven years.

Nawaz Sharif should forget about any role whatsoever in politics or political parties in Pakistan. He does not have the necessary background to qualify anymore.

Ifhe really wants to return to Pakistan. He should make a fresh deal with the Pakistan Government,(f he can get it)to stay away from politics in every shape and form,in return for dropping of all of the charges or investigations

Nawaz Sharif's conduct in impeding landing of Musharaf's plane,his own Chief of Army was unforgivable and nothing less than a terrorist act.He is firtunate ,he did not meet the same fate as thatof Zulfiqar Ali Butto. He should be grateful to Mussaraf for his kindness and mercy,instead of constantly trying to derail him and trying to destabilize Pakistan ,in these trying times.

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