A dog dies and a politician dies, who will you cry for? You know the answer At least the dog is faithful to his master, but the politician is faithful to none, least to his country. All these gizmos at the cost of taxpayer to protect the criminals in parliament.
RE:A dog dies and a politician dies, who will you cry for?
by SS on Aug 10, 2007 04:34 AM Permalink
Agreed that the corrupt politicians have already defiled the Parliament, but this move might protect further defilement by Islamic jihadis. Also any attack on the Indian Parliament may or may not harm any corrupt politician, it would be a blow to the nation's pride (whatever is left of it)
by Harsha Kumar on Aug 09, 2007 02:34 PM Permalink
To protect 'our' Parliament? Please do not associate that evil place with 'us'. It is 'their' Parliament, not ours. And would the great people sitting inside also spare a thought for protecting 'our' railway stations, public places etc.?