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Nuclear Deal
by vikas sethi on Aug 03, 2007 11:40 AM  Permalink 

We need to look only at our interests.The ves of N Deal far outweigh the -ves. Besides, we should buy off American technology and then use our brains to move forward from there. We will go up higher, faster and surer.

Pls also remember, the N deal releases many other areas where the dual use technology has hampered us for long. ISRO gains, Defence Industries gain and entire new sectors open up too.

Besides, please remember it is always, NO WAY BUT ONWARDS.

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Indo-US nuclear agreement to be unveiled on Fri
by keshav kumar on Aug 03, 2007 06:54 AM  Permalink 

Most disastrous agreement.It is an act of sabotage.

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Indo -US Agreement
by shanmuga subramanian on Aug 03, 2007 02:18 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We should be careful in exposing out nuclear reactors to US

It is a strategy to mole our Nuclear Establishment and find out what we are doing.

Rememe Pokhran 1998 was kept as a top secret and it was know to few persons and we conducted tests such that even US can't detect what we are going to do

After this agreement there will be many more moles.

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RE:Indo -US Agreement
by shanthipriya on Aug 03, 2007 07:39 AM  Permalink
I have seen it. It is a bullshit.

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RE:Indo -US Agreement
by Mikkey Moouse on Aug 03, 2007 10:35 AM  Permalink


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RE:Indo -US Agreement
by Manish Kumar on Aug 03, 2007 11:15 AM  Permalink
You mouse headed mickey .Nobody claims that US will keep a mole to steal technology .Moles are kept to judge and if possible impact the policy decision for strategic reasons .It is no secret that US does not want anybody to have any technology even if it is inferior to their own .However i believe that if our policy makers and strategists play their cards well they will be able to draw benfits out of this agreement .But historically we have not been able to do so .Even Pakistan has outmanouvered us on most ocassions .Lets hope we have learnt from our past .

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RE:Indo -US Agreement
by vikas sethi on Aug 03, 2007 11:31 AM  Permalink
Pak has out manouvered us in the past owing to US support. Lets get it right. Also, you are right. There is a lot to gain from this deal, not only related to nuclear power but also in other dual use technologies.

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RE:Indo -US Agreement
by wow aaha on Aug 03, 2007 04:27 AM  Permalink
actually every one should be carefulll while EXPOSING.

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