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What about an association Mr Sharif?
by krishnan js on Aug 02, 2007 07:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If you are planning an association of POWERLESS TOP HEADS you could be assured of the first membership of Mr Manmohan Singh.What does "not all the details" mean?Hmmmm Clever Very clever..KASHMIR IS INDIAN TERRITORY.Is that clear?

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RE:What about an association Mr Sharif?
by Mainbola on Aug 02, 2007 08:18 PM  Permalink
How do you exactly define power????Manomohan singh has the power of his academics, of his knowledge as an economist...He has the power to resign and leave if he cannot bring change to India because he is not a Power Hungry Career politician.....He is much better than your Vajpai's and Advanis who will spew hatred on Muslims and then call Jinnah their father if it brings them to power,,,,Even today at 80 yrs of Age Mr. Advani is hankering to be the next PM if the NDA wins,,,and that is because he is a full time power hungry politician, and that is why he will not hesitate to engineer riots on one hand or call Jinnah as the a modern secular leader on the other if it brings him to power...

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by SLVP on Aug 02, 2007 07:53 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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by Mainbola on Aug 02, 2007 08:21 PM  Permalink
The first person who cannot be trusted is you....Get a life loser...I am sure u r one of those hopeless good for nothings wo are a pain for their parents

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by imran patel on Aug 02, 2007 08:17 PM  Permalink
Abhishek...Can you be more specific...
I am an a proud Indian Muslim and I do not have to prove that to anyone.

Take your 2 Cent opinions someplace else.

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by Samira Khan on Aug 02, 2007 08:27 PM  Permalink

are you mentally challenged ?.what has sharifs comments to do with indian muslims ?.you seem to be suffering from severe paranoia. do you know where is your place ?

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by ramesh kumar on Aug 02, 2007 08:22 PM  Permalink
u mean to say only trusted community in india is majority. change ur mental and come our from ur cancer desease in ur mind and ideology. president of india is also KALAM belong to that community who made india proud. there is no one from ur community who did such achievements for india in recent time.

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by Megraj K on Aug 02, 2007 08:24 PM  Permalink
Isse khud ko vishwas nahi hai aur umeed duniya se karta hai ki trust karo..........inki jaat hi aisi hai apne baap ke tak yeh sage nahi hai

JAI HIND!!!!!!!!!!

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by kalyan ram on Aug 02, 2007 07:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

how can we believe in nawaz sharif that he is telling the truth?.......i solidly remember that DOORDARSHAN NEWS showing sharif as prime minister visited kargil frontline on pakistan side along with the then pakistani general musharaff in 1999 just 5 months before kargil war erupted......musharaff told that he briefed pakistani premier nawaz sharif about plans to invade kargil heights on indian side in that visit to kargil by prime minister nawaz sharif....what is the purpose of nawaz sharif visiting kargil frontline just months before kargil war erupted?....apparently he wants to check first hand about the preparation of invasion......

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by krishnan js on Aug 02, 2007 07:58 PM  Permalink
Sharif is a wily gentleman.

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by Mat on Aug 02, 2007 08:36 PM  Permalink
Nawaz Sharif is smart ,but Gen Musharaf is smarter and cunning. He orchesterated Kargil when Nawaz Sharif was PM.
it was a win win situation for him. If he won the war,he and his army would get the credit. If he lost ,the public would see the PM as a weak person.
As expected when he lost the war, sharif was kicked out and he became the president. Nowadays he is the front line fighter against terrorism in the eyes of the world. What a hipocrite!
And we are taliking peace with him!!!

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by rohit bajaj on Aug 02, 2007 08:03 PM  Permalink
chop sharif's willy to make him look silly :)

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by imran patel on Aug 02, 2007 08:19 PM  Permalink
Abhishek...Can you be more specific...
I am an a proud Indian Muslim and I do not have to prove that to anyone.

Take your 2 Cent opinions someplace else.

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by yogender malik on Aug 02, 2007 10:48 PM  Permalink
Had we kicked you castrateds in 47, we would not having blasts in trains and in pighouses ( your mosques)

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by Samira Khan on Aug 02, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink

are you mentally challenged ?.what has sharifs comments to do with indian muslims ?.you seem to be suffering from severe paranoia. do you know where is your place is in society?

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by yogender malik on Aug 02, 2007 10:54 PM  Permalink
better than you , daughter of a man, who doesnt know , where from the sperms flew

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by Samira Khan on Aug 03, 2007 01:12 AM  Permalink

it shows the sickness of your mind.you are what you write, YOU ARE A DISEASE, A MALIGNANT TUMOUR.you are the scum of the earth, nothing good can ever come out of you

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not in favour of kargil war
by trikarn on Aug 02, 2007 07:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

it only shows that in pakisthan civilian rule is a mirage even after 60 years of freedom!
i really dont know why they have to go through the motions of pretending to have a prime minister, etc when real power is with the army, mullahs, and america in that order.

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RE:not in favour of kargil war
by vikas sethi on Aug 02, 2007 08:04 PM  Permalink
That's Changed now. Update yourself. It is Mulla, Militants and Military in that order now.

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RE:not in favour of kargil war
by kmukda on Aug 02, 2007 08:58 PM  Permalink
well said.

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We will believe what we believe
by Guru HM on Aug 02, 2007 07:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Let's ask our own intelligence guys on whether he was or he was not involved ...Y believe in what this fellow is saying ..after all he is a politician and will change is colore any time he wishes to ...

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RE:We will believe what we believe
by imran patel on Aug 02, 2007 08:19 PM  Permalink
Abhishek...Can you be more specific...

I am an a proud Indian Muslim and I do not have to prove that to anyone.

Take your 2 Cent opinions someplace else.

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RE:We will believe what we believe
by Samira Khan on Aug 02, 2007 08:40 PM  Permalink

are you mentally challenged ?.what has sharifs comments to do with indian muslims ?.you seem to be suffering from severe paranoia. do you know where is your place ?

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RE:We will believe what we believe
by pradeep goyal on Aug 04, 2007 11:01 PM  Permalink
Ms/Mr Samira Khan, we are still waiting 4 ur expert views on Kashmiri pandits--let us see how liberal,secular,sympathetic you are.

You were defending Iran in bold words---can u defend Osama also??

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by srikanth bhadra on Aug 02, 2007 07:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pakistanis have nobody except Indians in this world to hate,like, or air their discontent. This shows how hallow the concept of pakistan was and is, The statement of Nawaz sherrif is reaction to Naraynan's applaud of Mushraff's
handling of terrorism,hmm.. we have to wait n watch Benazir's reaction.

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by vikas sethi on Aug 02, 2007 08:07 PM  Permalink
Should be interesting....if at all she speaks bcoz she is in the process of hugging him now.Politics make strange bedfellows.

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by Subodh Sapre on Aug 02, 2007 08:25 PM  Permalink
Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto and Pervez Musharraf are Pakistani hawks ready to pounce on India at the first apportunity. All of them followed hawkish & hostile policy against India. Pakistan has always been a rogue country which will never mature into a nation unless completely destroyed by external forces.

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Don't visit the back stabbers like China or Pakistan.
by mr on Aug 02, 2007 07:29 PM  Permalink 

Don't visit the back stabbers like China or Pakistan. You will end-up in war only. In 1962 Nehru tries to go close with China and brought back Indo-China war, 1999 Vajpayee tries to go close with Pakisstan and bring back Kargil war. Those two are enemy countries, we should adopt the same principle like them "Keep enemy as close friends". These countries doesn't have any organized priciple like western civilizations.

When you eat mutton in islamabad or noodle in beijing and got excited & think that these guys are like the same west. Keep the distance with these enemies, but make their same principle like "Keep enemy in close hands", it is unfortunate that we had some backstabbers are as your neighbors. India makes every movement of the enemy, if they build submarine, we try to build or buy submarine & always keep in par with them and make India strength by what ever means possible aligning with anybody you feels safe.

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by cmc soni on Aug 02, 2007 07:22 PM  Permalink
Not at all

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by rohit chauhan on Aug 02, 2007 07:29 PM  Permalink
This news piece is not a new discovery. Almost all newspapers at that time reported that Nawaz was in the blind for a long period. He was highly pressurised by Musharraf and I remember reading in Indian Express that in a public speech he asked people to pray for his life. He was expecting a coup and therefore kept shut.

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by Upkar sharma on Aug 02, 2007 07:43 PM  Permalink
what has that got to do with muslim...
why are you idiots so screwed in the head
all your impotent rage gets a release in muslim bashing...what has a muslim taken away from you?
you bigots can only screw our country...

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by AK on Aug 02, 2007 08:07 PM  Permalink
well said !!! these morons are not aware that one of the regiments which took part in the Kargil war was "13th Battalion of the J&K Light Infantry Regiment" and it has a good size of muslims soldiers and officers....

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