Hypocrites the lot of them - both Sharif and Bhutto, only when they are out of power and out of favor, do they talk of amity towards India, but their actions during their tenure as rulers of Pak tells a totally different story. But having said that, India must keep on extending the hand of friendship, proffering one hand of friendship, and the other hand with gun cocked behind the back - can only go into this 'friendship' with wide-open eyes and cocked guns - trust 'em only as far as you can throw 'em.
This guy had earlier accepted to join Musharraf as an ally. Now he has refused.. Now This guy ses some oppurtunity after seeing Musharraf turn weaker after the reinstation of the chief justice in the supreme court. Thats why all these good words !! Where were these good words and appreciation for Vajpayee, when the War was On and when he was exiled?
Vajpayee did a great mistake by trusting and showing good will to this ill-deserved neighbour.
Indians.. Be ready to lose Kashmir if you dont elect a sincere PM next time. This time the nation has been cheated by electing UPA. No one was aware that the reins will be controlled by Sonia..
by MrinalKant Chatterjee on Aug 02, 2007 10:02 PM Permalink
You have expressed an excellent view point, which should be appreciated one and all.
by abhi on Aug 02, 2007 11:38 PM Permalink
Vajpayee is best prime minister india has seen after 1984 till date . today also he is best among all leader in indian society ...i can't see a single person in any political party to compare with him ...the great man Vajpaee
by Shahryar Pax on Aug 02, 2007 09:34 PM Permalink
Vajpayee was totally unsuitable to be a prime minister of the meanest country in the world!
by Surajit Dash on Aug 03, 2007 01:28 AM Permalink
Sharyar, perhaps you are fond of living with reservations that UPA gives you. Had Vajpayee taken away them from you? What makes you think that he was the unsuitable? Then who is more suitable than him? Sonia Ghandi?
I pity your ignorance man.. Be honest to yourself first. We dont expect people like you to be honest towards the nation :(
by Milan Chander on Aug 02, 2007 10:00 PM Permalink
meanest? r u kidding me... If you are an Indian, then I would like to know why do you think India is the 'meanest country in the world'... if you are from Pakistan, then I am amazed by your ignorance...
It is hard to believe Nawab Sheriff, but he is asympathiser of Taliban and a hardcore Taliban supporter. Therefore he must not be allowed to rule pakistan again!
it was by vajpayee who started bus service imports of pakis most of whom are now untraceable terrorists now busy plotting terrorist takeover of india. soon, the terror culture will take over in india as soon as usa starts pullout from the region. of course, it is the fault of indians who can't see down the line while succumbing to their politiicans who can only live for the moment.
when ever democratic leaders of pakistan tried to mend ways with india , they are outbusted.take the example of both benazir and nawaz.when benazir in her fisrt tenure started collabrating and developing relations with india(rajiv was PM) she was kicked out by army.than during her second tenure she tried to distance her self from india and used to make anti-india statements. she got full support from army. navaz sharif was very agreesive with india in his first tenure , that allowed him to rule pakistan for whole 5 years. during his second tenure he statred to develope good relations with india.result he is now in saudi. it is time that our policy makers sholud understand that we are wasting our time and money in developing good relations till pakistan is under army clutch