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Did Nawaz Nawaz Sharif loose in SUGAR DEALS
by Shivanand R Prabhu on Aug 02, 2007 10:26 PM  Permalink 

Why will Mr Nawaz Shariff (rather Chowdhry Nawaz Shariff) be in favour of an war with India, when India was procuring sugar from Pakistan. BTW who is sugar baron of Pakistan.


Gen Pervez Musharaff though being an Army General has the GUTS and will power to take on radicals and even to the extent of cleansing Lal Masjid, the same would have not been undertaken by any political party with fear of loosing power and the party getting wiped out from the political scenario.

Hope the new generation of Pakistan understand that its time to learn from India and come together for a better future for their own country. Kashmir is an issue that will never be resolved else the leaders will have no issue to keep their masses indulged.

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It doesn't matter now
by ems nnn on Aug 02, 2007 10:09 PM  Permalink 

It does'nt matter now r Shareef whether u were in favour of Kargil or not.Any way Mush's much better than u. Atleast he helped US defeat that Barbarian regime of Taliban which did good to India too

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Best time to regain our territory
by Sanjay Dheer on Aug 02, 2007 10:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Like they say, strike when the iron is hot, this is the best time for India to regain control of our lost territory of POK. Musharraf is surrounded from all 4 sides now. He is facing internal fundamentalists in front, U.S. is putting pressure from the back to crack down on those fundamentalists, Nawaz Sharif refusing help to him at the right side and Benazir standing ready in the left to snatch power from him taking advantage of the current situation. So he has been gheraoed from all 4 sides. Now India should strike from the skies above and take back POK. Kya kehte ho dudes.

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RE:Best time to regain our territory
by VIKRAM MALIK on Aug 02, 2007 10:15 PM  Permalink
Dear this is absolutely the perfect idea.
But this government do not have the GUTS.

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by ajesh chawla on Aug 02, 2007 10:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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by HIDAYATH HUSSAIN on Aug 02, 2007 10:21 PM  Permalink

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Kargil War.
by MrinalKant Chatterjee on Aug 02, 2007 09:55 PM  Permalink 

It was given to understand by the then Defence Minister Mr.George Farnandes, that the then Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr.Nawab Sharif was not aware about the troop sent by Gen.Musharraf to Kargil. Mr.George Farnandes even gave a clear chit to Mr.Nawab Sharif. Now Mr.Nawab Sharif says, he never wanted to send the troops to Kargil. Whom should we belief?

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by UmaShankar SathyaKumar on Aug 02, 2007 09:46 PM  Permalink 


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by UmaShankar SathyaKumar on Aug 02, 2007 09:45 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I may think that he will become Paki PM again. But, Benezir will keep him out of Pakistan again like Mushy did. So, the game will be on soon. We Indians will surely enjoy MAD MULLA TAMASHA...

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by MrinalKant Chatterjee on Aug 02, 2007 09:59 PM  Permalink
Who so ever be the Prime Minister of Pakistan, he/she shall toe the same old line of keeping alive the problem of Kashmir.

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RE:Pakistan get out
by MrinalKant Chatterjee on Aug 02, 2007 10:00 PM  Permalink
I totally agree with the view point of Mr Bheja Try.

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