My question is why criminals are kept in prison and the most obvious answer would be that they have committed a crime and could harm someone else if set free. Does anyone here feels that Sanjay could harm anyone if set free.
I believe he should be set free and should be asked to work for the public in other words do social service.
I can understand such a verdict was awarded so that the entire film faternity could learn that maintaining contacts with the Dons could be so dangerous. But why always Sanju to teach others a lesson. We all know that he had enough and could plea the babus and the court to set him free.
Ok we now that Sanju baba is gulity so he punish but he not harm anybody. but our ministers , we know they all are currupt and harm to our nation but nobody punish. this is not fair if i have power first i punish all the currupt ministers.
Now we will wait for your next bulleten about his next day. Keep the good job going and keep reporting his day to day activities. You need to be given jounlism award of the decade.