It is just like workers are punished where as the main builder is enjoying without any problem . Our law system will be worthful if the main builder will caught otherwise there is no meaning of punish workers .
I believe TADA Joudge did a very godo job..though it is little late. it shoudl have been over in 5 yrs. But I believe he shoudl have given death to few more.
Now these death sentances shoudl not take another 10 yrs with Rashtrapati. Before end of this month all shoudl be hanged.
Yes, we shoudl send our inteligence people to Pakistan and kill Dawood and Manon.
by Bhupinder Singh on Aug 01, 2007 10:12 AM Permalink
human being is great animal, some one , some where getting killed,, brother even fight fiercely,,,do you think all brother should start hatting,, isreal business is not ours,,, it is better to go and fight,,,, there are somany people getting killed in th e name of relgion even in iran, irak, arab nations,,,
by Chanakya on Aug 01, 2007 10:01 AM Permalink
gayatri - I know for sure that it is not your name...when u want to use such abusive language, why don't you come out with some other keeping this name, you are an insult to feminine gender...
my name is gayatri and i am married to a muslim...... ppl like (disgusting) sow the beans of communal hatred among ppl. how can he forget that the bomb blast were the after effect of babri demolition......aftereffects of mumbai riots.... why cant the govt get 1 single person by the name of dawood ibrahim back to the country....this is mockery of things. i am married to a muslim and practise the religion by birth...but at the same time i have respect for islamic value.....only if you cud understand
by Bhupinder Singh on Aug 01, 2007 10:43 AM Permalink
how many people are you ccoaxing to kill,,,, 2X200 what sheer jok,,,, if this happen again like gujrat,,,28X1500 , next 500X500000000 then you will be satisfy,, where is humanjusice ., it is pakistan,bangla desh or arb or afganistan,, wherre is ,, let live anlive peacefuly,,
by sahil sk on Aug 01, 2007 10:12 AM Permalink
dear chomal
it seems that you are sooo good with number games......your mom and sis you taught you on this..........your comments doesnt merit my clarifcaitons....