RE:Punishment for Afzal
by sandeepkumar bodha on Apr 30, 2007 04:08 PM Permalink
right rakesh ur absltly and all gaddar whether he be of any religion shud be treated in same way
RE:Punishment for Afzal
by Wasim Khan on Apr 30, 2007 04:43 PM Permalink
Hi rakesh Your mother is preganted by a lizard and kuta You are the son of Kuta or lizard jakar apne ghar mein puchh
In my opinion president should award either param veer chakra for trying to kill dirty politicians or Hang him for attacking integrity of the nation. he can not take any stand other than these.
If every accused can be pardoned and given mercy sighting human rights, for their heinous crimes then there is no need of all this Indian Penal Code and judiciary and police to enforce them. Let them all be at large
by C G on Apr 30, 2007 03:56 PM Permalink
Why the hell he is kept alive till now. I think better leave him and caught him after one year when he suceefully bomb the parliament again. Its shame on behalf to our politicians who are killing the india on name of saving criminals. let afzal got free and again attack on these currpot politicians. Then only they will realise.
Our president will not take decision ,for reasons which everybody know. He will complete the term without taking the decision and pass the buck to next president. It takes guts and Political will to do that.
RE:President will not take decision
by Pradeep Kumar on Apr 30, 2007 03:53 PM Permalink
if we leave the decision to ppl like u half of india would be hanged unfairly.You poeple dance on the beats of the media
RE:RE:President will not take decision
by Nandish on Apr 30, 2007 05:27 PM Permalink
So.u support Afzal's clemency? I think u shud be hanged first before anybody else.
RE:President will not take decision
by indranil salil laskar on Apr 30, 2007 04:02 PM Permalink
also send mother****er pradeep to hell alongwith mother****ing afzal for supporting a mother****er terrorist
RE:President will not take decision
by Wasim Khan on Apr 30, 2007 04:05 PM Permalink
Afzal should not be hanged. He is the angel of ISLAM. He will established Islam by killing non-islams
RE:President will not take decision
by Harshul Vaid on Apr 30, 2007 04:07 PM Permalink
yeah send wasim's sister and mother for to give afzal some company
RE:RE:President will not take decision
by Wasim Khan on Apr 30, 2007 04:10 PM Permalink
Harshul Vaid First go your home and see some muslim fu****ed your sister merciously
RE:President will not take decision
by sandeepkumar bodha on Apr 30, 2007 04:08 PM Permalink
wasim so u agree that islam support killing of innocent people
RE:President will not take decision
by kamal on Apr 30, 2007 04:20 PM Permalink
You r The Dirtiest Person that every body will hate ... give ur face so that i wll slam ur head
RE:President will not take decision
by avneesh tyagi on Apr 30, 2007 03:57 PM Permalink
you sound like most stupid person on this earth.It has been proved that he was a main culprit involved in the attack so therefore accroding to supreme verdict he must have been hanged by now!
RE:President will not take decision
by Raghunathan Nair on Apr 30, 2007 04:10 PM Permalink
I think you are also party to Parliament attack else Afzal must have given you commission LET fund. People like you will never learn unless it happens to you or your family members. Shut your mouth, Pradeep. Enough is enough.
RE:President will not take decision
by Ram Sharma on Apr 30, 2007 04:01 PM Permalink
pradeep so if dr kalam does not pardon him, he will be hanged unfairly! what a justification for not hanging afzal, who is already convicted for attacking parliement. it is possible only in india.
by Ram Sharma on Apr 30, 2007 04:03 PM Permalink
not hanging afzal best form of fundamental muslim appeasement! this is not possible any where else in the world.
by sandeepkumar bodha on Apr 30, 2007 04:11 PM Permalink
rght ram it happens only in india where gaddar like afzal is been supporting by those politicians which cud had been died if afzal had reached inside parliament