Indian Government started Bus's, Railway, Air to PAKISTAN TO IMPROVE very good relations, but here our Government is doing very big mistake for this Pakistanis even Bangladeshi citizen taking advantage there coming to INDIA FOR visiting after some time there disappearing then there settling even tacking citizenship and voting power because of our political parties to win Elections, after some time this they are giving shelter to terror in INDIA. just like what is happening in Kashmir, 20 years back in Kashmir same thing is happen, NOW SPRIDING ALL OVER INDIA......AND THERE POPULATION ARE INCRESING IN YERS LACKHS MUSLIMS one after 50 years what happen? again Hindus will under Muslims rules HINDUSTAN AGAIN, and MUSLIAMS they divided in to 50 % of INDIA AGAIN separate partition, same like Pakistan, Bangladesh now Kashmir then later Delhi, one day all state in INDIA will have separate........they rule INDIA, slowly Hindus disappear in INDIA. SO PLEASE STOP ALL TALK WITH PASITAN, BANGLADISH EVEN ALL POLITICALY PARTY SUPPORTING TO SAPARATE KASHMIR...... STOP MUSLIAMS POPUTATION IN INDIA, CHANGE POLITICAL SYSTEMS LIKE PAKISTAN AND TAKE A ACTION LIKE USA WAR ON TERROR......
Message to All >Stop killing Hindus in Jammu & Kashmir, save Hindus in INDIA, Stop converting Hindus in INDIA, save Hinduism save your self and familys in further. Note: Pass this message to all Hindus you know.
RE:Stop killing Hindus in Jammu & Kashmir, save Hindus in INDIA, Stop converting Hindus in INDIA, save Hinduism save your self and familys in further.
by m on Apr 28, 2007 07:38 PM Permalink
Stop manipulating Indians with Hinduism. Hinduism is nothing but a covert mask of Casteism.
RE:The bitter truth
by m n v krishna vamsi on Apr 28, 2007 02:26 PM Permalink
Hallo Mr.M, Of course Casteism is hindering India's growth, But why do you Blame Hinduism.. Dont't forget that Hinduism has taught us and our ancestors the important thing 'tolerance' which is not present in any country. If you remember, in ancient India all were hindus, however, because of tolerance our forefathers has accepted many religions in our country and so making us a State with many religions, all living together in our country.
In the ancient past, Caste was the profession and so that was relevant at that time. So caste has no relevance at this age in work, but it is just a sub-community in India, with its roots no more existent. We should accept the fact that caste is the factor politicised by our politicians...and used all the time to remind this.
In addition, caste is a word which is present in different ways in different religions and to understand it , you need to know about other religions also...
So my learned friend, try to stop blaming a religion, because any religion teaches to love all and pray for all and caste is not a factor to insult a religion. It is just our ignorance that we blame caste or religion.
RE:RE:The bitter truth
by m on Apr 28, 2007 07:39 PM Permalink
Is it "desperation" or "tolerance" of Hinduism?
Why is that no one wants to embrace Hinduism and everybody leaving it? This doesn't happen with other religions (Islam/Christianity/Buddism/Jewish/Sikh/Jain/Shinto etc).
RE:RE:The bitter truth
by m on Apr 28, 2007 07:46 PM Permalink
In India, parents covertly teach their children to coerce other children as per the caste hierarchies.
INDIAN CONGRESS, BJP, SP, BSP, CPI(M) : Please dont divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems in HINDUS, Over God%u2019s Has made casts because of Competitions between each other CASTS , like present countries cricket Competitions, message to all Muslims Please dont interfere in Hindus Cast System,
RE:INDIAN CONGRESS, BJP, SP, BSP, CPI(M) : Please dont divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems in HINDUS, Over God%u2019s Has made casts because of Competitions between each other CASTS
by m on Apr 28, 2007 12:20 PM Permalink
Hinduism is nothing but a covert mask of Casteism. In India, parents covertly teach their children to coerce other children as per the caste hierarchies.
RE:INDIAN CONGRESS, BJP, SP, BSP, CPI(M) : Please dont divided Hindus on cast base, it is big miss under standing on Cast Systems in HINDUS, Over God%u2019s Has made casts because of Competitions between each other CASTS
by m n v krishna vamsi on Apr 28, 2007 02:26 PM Permalink
Hallo Mr.M, Ofcourse Casteism is hindering India's growth, But why do you Blame Hinduism.. Dont't forget that Hinduism has taught us and our ancestors the important thing 'tolerance' which is not present in any country. If you remember, in ancient India all were hindus, however, because of tolerance our forefathers has accepted many religions in our country and so making us a State with many religions, all living together in our country.
In the ancient past, Caste was the profession and so that was relevant at that time. So caste has no relevance at this age in work, but it is just a subcommunity in India, with its roots no more existent. We should accept the fact that caste is the factor politicised by our politiicans...and used all the time to remind this.
In addition, caste is a word which is present in different ways in different religions and to understand it , you need to know about other religions also...
So my learned friend, try to stop balming a religion, becasue any religion teaches to love all and pray for all and caste is not a factor to insult a religion. It is just our ignorance that we balme caste or religion.
Latest Surveys of Major TV Channels: This election is going to reject Mulayam for all his misdeeds:
1.Shielding Criminals and anti-nationals like amarmani, Raja Bhaia, Mukhtar Ansaris and many other hard core criminals. Kalyan singh or Mayawati with support of Congress will form the government.
2.Selling land of farmers to Reliance and other industrialists
3.Selling prime land of UP like Noida, Lucknow etc to Industrial houses thru his POPAT Dalal...Amar singh
4.Promoting people of his family like Brothers, Son, nephews who are most corrupt and criminals.
5.He cant even speak properly and just making fools of Muslims since last 15 years....doing no development of the community.
6.Promoting dalai culture thru Amar singh, Amitabh bachhan, who claims UP is crime free...let him settle in UP...lives in Mumbai and talks for UP just to make money...
This election will throw Mulayam out of UP.....BJP and Congress will be major gainers....Mayawati is also better than this fool and corrupt Mulayam and his dalal friends...
Raj Babbar, Beni prasad are just two, many others are eady to desert this criminal CM.
well, i've never come across a politician of any kind who has said that he won't quit if charged/ proven/ arrested etc. Its just a gimmick that these people use to fool the citizens. and fools we are to believe in them and follow them and waste our precious time and money on them and their deeds. Charge Rajnath Singh with some legitimate dharges (no politician is clean) and you'll see him whining, muck slinging, brooding, counter-punching etc.... its just the regular fare!