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People know everything well
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 23, 2007 12:38 PM  Permalink 

Now our prime minister appeals that use of religion for electoral gain is a sin. Congress has been using it for last 60 years. Now he feels shy, even though Congress follows the same line, using religion and castes in various states.

I am so happy to read the news in various newspapers appeeared that Mr. Babu Bhai Katara%u2019s aides were trying to flee abroad, when they were arrested. People know that many of the Congress leaders are also gained the image what Bhabu bhai got.

We know today, why Trinamool Congress leader Mamata Banerjee has been sitting in opposition for last 30 long years!! The outcome is what she done 30 years back, what Congress and BJP do it in the center today.

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Use of religion for electoral gain needs to be curbed: PM
by venugopal velloth on Apr 23, 2007 12:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If that is so, How do you allow the Name of the party itself showing Religious names like MUSLIM LEAGUE etc. Also it is very confusing that the Congress is using the NATIONAL TRICOLOUR for its flag which should not be allowed or others also should be allowed the same colours with different INSIGNIA in the white middle portion of our National Flag. It is blatant misuse and confusing for the citizen. EC should look into this matter immediately.

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RE:Use of religion for electoral gain needs to be curbed: PM
by sharib razi on Apr 23, 2007 12:48 PM  Permalink
For one Muslim League there are numerous others which I dont think I should name as these are very well known.

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RE:Use of religion for electoral gain needs to be curbed: PM
by venugopal velloth on Apr 23, 2007 01:08 PM  Permalink
Please name the other authorised PARTY with the name of the Religion. That woud help all of us to highlight this malady.

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Use of religion
by vrs someswara suryanarayana on Apr 23, 2007 12:27 PM  Permalink 

is it not targetting a religious group for electroral purpose.Muslims ruled major part of last millineaum,Christian(british & neo converted ones ruled remaining).

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use of religion for electoral gains
by jagdish agarwal on Apr 23, 2007 12:22 PM  Permalink 

how short your memory mr. p.m. how could you forget your promise for a christian state in mizoram. or your party's shrill and vulgar anti-sikh campaign in 1984. and of course your own muslims first promise recently.

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Use of religion for political gain is the monopoly of the safed topi.
by chanakya maurya on Apr 23, 2007 12:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why dont you just talk this matter over with your Mataaji whom you are answerable and who has in the first place installed you in the Prime Minister's office ?

Stop giving your hypocritical sermons to the people of India who are no idiots.

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RE:Use of religion for political gain is the monopoly of the safed topi.
by chanakya maurya on Apr 23, 2007 12:18 PM  Permalink
...idiots like you.

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