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RE:Gandhi giri
by pavan talluri on Apr 16, 2007 02:25 PM  Permalink
I Too Agree with u

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RE:Gandhi giri
by anand chauhan on Apr 16, 2007 02:24 PM  Permalink
how we can unite against this cause

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Gandhi giri
by Ravi Chunduru on Apr 16, 2007 02:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I request my fellow indians to get independence from this Gandhi family.

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outburst from rahul
by vinay maharaj on Apr 16, 2007 02:22 PM  Permalink 

This indeed is a outburst from a immature politician.The persons having a public life must have some discipline in personal and public life. Also there is nothing called personal in the life of a politician if he really wants to deliver for the country.
what Rahul said in the name of Gandhi's for the disintegration of Pakistan , He should also be honest enough to commit the role of Gandhi's in disintegration of Mother India also.

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gandhi's not means Rahul
by Pardeep Thakur on Apr 16, 2007 02:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It was people that time together joined movement for thoese coses. Comeneting on Pakistan Mr Rahul not deserve to even discuss this metter.

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RE:gandhi's not means Rahul
by Jayagopal Sampath on Apr 16, 2007 02:29 PM  Permalink
FIRST get your English right,.. :-)

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by on Apr 16, 2007 02:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Bacha hain. Kuch bhi bol deta hain. chodiye usko

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by bhushan patgaonkar on Apr 16, 2007 02:32 PM  Permalink
I think he is making statement like these to grab the media attention and showing that he is campaigning for party, rest no body knows why congress is projecting him so much except he is Gandhi.

Please tell him to take out Gandhi name and fight election outside his constituency i doubt he will get enough votes

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Rahul's Uttrences
by ashwani sharma on Apr 16, 2007 02:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Rahul G is definitely crossing lines.We expected a fresh mind and approach from this gentleman,but very unfortunately he is being defended by Abhishek and PM.

It would be in fitness of things that Congress /its leadership expresses unconditional apology .Undettered and pampered this man would creat problems both for party and country.GONE ARE DAYS WHEN INDIRA WAS CONGRESS AND CONGRESS WAS INDIA!

We may not be surprised if this government falls if this kid does not learn immediately.

We expect our young parliament member/s to behave and talk very carefully.

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RE:RE:Rahul's Uttrences
by Srinivasan Ramiah on Apr 16, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
What else do you expect from Cogress Chamchas like Sighvi and Manmohan? The Chamchas are essential part of the Durbar and are expected to Praise or say "Sir Sir, Yes Sir" everytime the GANDY Family opens its mouth.

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He is a kid
by Gautham Kamath on Apr 16, 2007 02:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

He talks as if Gandhi's own India.

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RE:He is a kid
by Srinivasan Ramiah on Apr 16, 2007 02:30 PM  Permalink
But the Statement was on expected lines. Rahul inherits his Foolishness from his Father who was aPolitical Novice thrust on the Indian people as Representative of the Dynasty. He was so foolish that he could manage to reduce his Record Parlimentary Majority to a Minority in a matter of a few years. Rahul promises to exceed him in FOOLISHNESS at the expense of the Country!

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