RE:Rahul's comments on Pakistan
by Bengal Tiger on Apr 16, 2007 03:08 PM Permalink
There are fools who will trying their best to market the scions of this family as literally the rulers of India. It seems people are not tired of Mughal and British rule so they want more of dynastic rule.
I think rahul , sai 100% correct, had nehru and zina not fought for prime minitership, the country would have not got divided,
they are sole responsible, i think the britishers before living the country broke the country.. it was we who could not understod their politics, and got divided
Rahul seems to think his family has the right to rule India by default. His utterances betray his childish immaturity.
The tragedy is that the wise man who is running the affairs on behalf of the queen thinks he is the 'future' of UP.
Now how can people of respect and dignity stoop so low as to think theirs and the country's destiny and future is at the mercy of one family? The Congress post-independance is a minor version of Hitler's or Saddam's parties that exist to support their single-handed rule - and nothing else.
See how Sonia is wielding power, complete with a manthri mahoday to carry out her wishes, court jesters, sycophants, and an immature son indulging in tom foolery - looks straight out of a panchatatra tale!
It is really tragic that the childish behaviour and statements of the boy are being supported and appreciated by the senior politicians of Congress party. He perhaps get excited by seeing the crowd. Rajiv Gandhi used to utter some time such words out of blue and his son is also following him. They don't have the proper training.These people are spoiling the name of Pt. Nehru who despite his diffences in the approach towards certain issues had a passion for the country's development. Personal promotion started with Indira Gandhi. She was instrumental in getting the Bangla Desh liberated but the flame in the Bangla leaders was already there. One can see the newspapers of 1957 when Mujiber Rehman was commerce minister of Pakistan and he was feeling restless because of neglect of the then East Pakistan by the rulers in West Pakistan. At that time, Indira Gandhi or to say Rahul Gandhi was nowhere on the scene. Rahul and Sonia Gandhi have shown utter disrespect towards the late PV Narshimha Rao even at the time of his death. But it was Rao who could run the Congress Govt. in Centre for five years. He had the magnanimity of Nehru who patted Atal Bihari Vajpayee as a young MP. Rao passed on the informatin and counselled Vajpayee to conduct the Nuclear experiment as PM though he did not belong to Congress. His gesture was in the interest of the nation. Hats off the departed leaders and God save the country from childish leaders. May God give the strength and sagacity to the senior leaders like Man Mohan Singh and like....
Here another sample of Congress Policies UPA%u2019s holiday politics Holi quashed
The UPA government has removed Holi and Janmasthami from the list of gazetted government holidays. They are now only on the list of Restricted Holidays, along with 32 other festivals and sacred days.
The government%u2019s move is being seen as yet another please-minorities policy. Holi, Dusshera and Diwali are among the most important Hindu festivals. Over the years, Holis has come to represent a social rather than religious occasion, with non-Hindus also joining in the celebrations. By taking these two festivals from the gazetted list, the government has made a statement. Now both strictly Hindu festivals and Muslim festivals are even in number.
According to the present list, there are three holidays for Muslim festivals (id-ul-Juha, Muharram and Milad-un-nabi), three for Hindus (Diwali, Dussehra and Ram Navami), three national festivals (Independence Day, Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti), two of the Christians (Good Friday and Christmas), Buddha Purnima, Guru Nanak Jayanti, and Mahavir Jayanti.
This Year, Holi falls on a Sunday and therefore, the people may not feel the pinch of losing a holiday.