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by sitaram pakanati on Apr 16, 2007 04:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Rahul is half indian.
he didn't get a girl here to marry(he married a foreigner)
sonia not at all an indian.
what a tolerance of indians....
shame on indians...
we fought for freedom...but we don't know the meaning of freedom.
Only the first layer(generation) after the independance have know the actual meaning and correct in their lives..Now even they(senior citizens like our PM) are dumb...we souhold have fight with weapons probably.(without bloodshed we can't get full freedom ) see the history...with blood shed everybody understands what the freedom is.....

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by venkat kathir on Apr 16, 2007 04:26 PM  Permalink
how can u expect him to marry an Indian.. He is Rajiv's Son.. so behaving like him. They all need from India is VOTE so they could make billions every year

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by LAGIDU on Apr 16, 2007 04:31 PM  Permalink

Are you sure any Indian offered his daughter in marriage to him?

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by LAGIDU on Apr 16, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink

His live-in hails from some god forsaken country. The future UPA chairperson!

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by LAGIDU on Apr 16, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink
His live-in hails from some god forsaken country. The future UPA chairperson!

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by vijay parasar on Apr 16, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink
I am offering my 2 years baby cow as her bride.

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by venkat kathir on Apr 16, 2007 04:23 PM  Permalink
how can u expect him to marry an Indian.. He is Rajiv's Son.. so behaving like him. They all need from India is VOTE so they could make billions every year

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say no to these fake gandi's
by jayakrishna c on Apr 16, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

foreigners think of mahatma gandhi as the ancestor to these fake gandi's. these people are rubbish without gandhi's name.

enough is enough for these gandi's in india. if the congress thinks they(party) are useless without these gandi's, they should be ashamed of themselves.

c'mon you leaders of congress, come to existence on your own name, not by backing these fake gandi's .

congress has produced so many great leaders like patel and shastri, be something like them, please dont encourage this fake gandi family.

you can not compare indira to these fake gandi's. indira was mingling with genuine politicians from childhoold.

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RE:say no to these fake gandi's
by Srinivasan Ramiah on Apr 16, 2007 04:30 PM  Permalink
You seem to be ignorant. Modern day Congress without these Gandys has been reduced to a Zero long back. It has only Chamchas & Court
Jesters like manmohan Singh.

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RE:RE:Is this what the Puppet PM and Rahul want to do to UP what they have done to India in 55 years of misrule and division?
by Dr Joseph on Apr 16, 2007 04:26 PM  Permalink
This type of informations should be publish in the local languages in all over India. People will get the real picture. I think, it will act better than BJP'S CD in UP.

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RE:Is this what the Puppet PM and Rahul want to do to UP what they have done to India in 55 years of misrule and division?
by vijay parasar on Apr 16, 2007 04:43 PM  Permalink
gr8 work vikas. We similar mind ppl will uproot these goon congressmen from this country and will send them with their baggede to their homeland- SO CALLED "THE Great PAKISTHAN"

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RE:Is this what the Puppet PM and Rahul want to do to UP what they have done to India in 55 years of misrule and division?
by Manish Mishra on Apr 16, 2007 04:21 PM  Permalink
Good work! Vikas.

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RE:Is this what the Puppet PM and Rahul want to do to UP what they have done to India in 55 years of misrule and division?
by Karthik R on Apr 16, 2007 04:25 PM  Permalink
appreciate ur efforts Mr Bhatt.

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Idiots should not be brought into politics
by vinod nambiar on Apr 16, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink 

Such stupid fools like Rahul Gandhi are best avoided in politics. These are the kind of people who come to power JUST because they are from the Gandhi family who have sold off every self-respect of teh Indians by appeasing to all sections of socisty EXCEPT the Hindus.
Such stupid idiots must not be elected to power!!

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by Kaushik Das on Apr 16, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink 

This rahul guy is a real stupid one. the laloos and mayawatis must be laughing, hoping for this idiot to get the throne, so they can manipulate the country in their ways.
This statement shows his political immaturity and that whatever he does, he is not up to the mark. In fact, instead of protesting, such people should be allowed by the opposition to continue with their idiocity.

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Did Rahul cross the line on Pakistan?
by Prabhakar Waghodekar on Apr 16, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink 

Certanly yes! Indians are hard to learn anything from histoty. Prithwiraj Chauhan, Mogul Emporers, Maratha Empire, Tip Sulatan's empire are the victims of divide and rule policy.From the past 2000 years, masses have no place in governance, only king and Sardars to play the role. USA can abolish the differentiation between black and white, but we cannot. We talk secularism only. We believe in Incarnation, that comes to help the masses! Till the time Aavatar appears I am your master! Our first President is from Bihar, almost all Prime Ministers from UP. Where these two State stand now? I'm after so called international recognition at the cost of nation welfare. Parashis, Jues, Hindus and christains live happily in this country. Why making fire on the name of Islam? Are not they Indians? British left the country, setting behind infighting betweem Muslims and Hindus. Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Shivaji and a few more, are the great, because they never handed over power to their kins. Democracy is run by the people and not by a signgle family. We have failed to educate the masses, purposly for my personal benefits. Jai Bharat!!

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Did Rahul cross the line on Pakistan?
by Gowravaram Muralidhar on Apr 16, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Rahul has not crossed the line on Pakistan.

He has just reiterated, what has been widely perceived by the Indian Public that, Congress is a party which has been the core cause of partition of India post Independence and current situation on the Kashmir. THEIR POLICY HAS BEEN DIVIDE AND RULE FOR DECADES.

Knowingly or unknowingly, Rahul has once again proved that Congress is in mood of appeasing the minorities for the sake of getting back to power in UP.

Earlier he said that Babri demolished had a member of the Gandhi family been the Prime Minister sending very clear signals that they do not recognise or acknowledge that there are many individuals in Congress who can run the country.

This is nothing but arrogance being in power and power corrupts.

Therefore, I feel that time has come for each individual to exercise their vote very very judiciously and keep Congress out of power to ensure that no further division of this country takes place.


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Congess and BJP : Both are like Mafia
by V S on Apr 16, 2007 04:15 PM  Permalink 

In India we have Mafia culture..the rich and powerful have a mafia that suppresses the poor.

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Rahul Gandhi
by Ganapathy Janrdhanan on Apr 16, 2007 04:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Rahul Gandhi feels that his family(Thank god!not Nehru family)owns the country.He does not have the maturity to address people's issues.Only by virue of being the Grand son of India Gandhi he is having free access to mike.His party is full of slaves of HIS GANDHI FAMILY and our learned PM has lost all his knowledge the moment he joined this GANDHI FAMILY PARTY. Indian National Congress should be now renamed as Gandhi Family Congress.One Gandhi brought us the freedom and another Gandhi will bring fiefdom.

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RE:Rahul Gandhi
by Srinivasan Ramiah on Apr 16, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink
Dont say Gandhi.This one is Gandy.The name
change was done for Political reasons.[so that Mediocre family Progenies like Rajiv, Rahul and others benefit by the ignorance of the Masses]

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