in India most of the leaders are like this but one thing good that police and other people are also like this, one more thing public are also like this, one more thing all get habbit to lisen all things like this, one more thing people read all things every day like this, one more thing people forget everything like this. anyway in india these things will never happen because all are same from top to ..... keep doing your own work and save your life if you are living in india because no one knows when where what will happen and ....
Indian govt shoud take steps in stopping Bangaldeshi Immigrants and they are becoming threat to National Security. More over Hindus in Bangladesh are treated very badly. Please allow them to come back India.
RE:Hindus In Bangladesh
by muneer abidi on Apr 16, 2007 01:10 PM Permalink
even mulims also are treated very badly in bangladesh, would u like to bring them in india
RE:Hindus In Bangladesh
by Savio DSouza on Apr 16, 2007 01:18 PM Permalink
what for? they wanted an islamic republic and they got it now why do muslims want to come back infact the very fact that they want to leave the same islamic republic shows that muslim nations are always doomed to failure
RE:Hope Indian politician will take lesson
by krishnakumar bommireddipalli on Apr 16, 2007 01:00 PM Permalink
I totally agree. Except Dr.Manmohan Singh, there is no honest politician in the Parliament (Loksabha Rajyasabha) and all state assemblies. They are not running the governments but are dividing the people for their own benefit. Indian is still surviving, it is because of Indian armed forces, private sector and Bollywood.
RE:RE:Hope Indian politician will take lesson
by AMIT on Apr 16, 2007 01:08 PM Permalink
you are very right noone is like him. i think he is just a ball like... he is not able to do what he want and really he can not do why? everyone knows. really we need people like him but i never feel he is our PM but alwayes feel that he is speaking, doing what ....want to speak and do. Becoming PM is great but taking care of this post and using it in proper way is totally different. ofcourse he is great because he never makes any problems to anyone. and like this type of people loved by everyone who want to use. but PM post is not for this type of people who just want to ... IF I SAY SOMETHING WRONG I AM SORRY BEcasu anyway he is our PM.
RE:Hope Indian politician will take lesson
by OLRAO on Apr 16, 2007 01:15 PM Permalink
Dear Manish,
Monarch/Dictatorship is most worst. We have the option to change our leaders like President,PM,CM,Ministers,MPs & MLAs etc. If we don't elect good people in those seats it is our(peoples') mistake. But in case of some neibours like Pakistan,Barma; people don't have that option. Now you can see in UP elections only 46% voters used their option to vote. This means remaining 54% are doesn't have interest in voting. No, it is not correct. Because, they don't have time vote. In case of allegations against political leaders all people talks(i.e. even those people who didn't give their vote). I want to know, how many educated people using their vote in every election. I can assume that, if there are 100 educated people only 50% using their vote(but against corruption most people talks) and if there are 100 uneducated people there more than 70% using their vote but less people talks.