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Development of Uttar Pradesh
by konanur krishnamurthy on Apr 22, 2007 05:20 PM  Permalink 

Rahul Gandhi is right in saying that UP, nowadays called Ulta Pradesh, has not been well developed like other states as Haryana, Punjab, Gujerat, Maharashtra and Karnataka. But he is 1oo% wrong in his analysis. Lack of development of UP has been there ever since the Congress party ruled there for most of the time it did as for the whole of India since 1947. Pandit Nehru was more enamoured on establishing PSUs in Bangalore then Lucknow. Even Indira Gandhi did not do much for UP. If UP had been a dynamic and progressive state from 1947 to say 1990, it certainll would not have deteriorated in the last 15 years as we see UP today, It is very backwared in economy and technological progress like Bihar, MP, Rajasthan and Orissa. Graduates of UP cannot even speak English well as a 10th grade student from Bangalore or Chennai or Trivandrum. Why? UP's population growth was never arrested. This is the biggest mistake that Nehru, Indira Gandhi and other PMs. Even, the great economist, lawyer and great Patriot, the late Nani Palkiwala harped on this npoint repeatedly in all his most illuminating addresses and writings. What right Rahulji,m a young and inexperienced man has to make irresponsible comments bon other leaders? All members of his dynasty are obsessed with the notion that India in general and UP in particular is their family property. If only he had lived in a UP village . for a few years or studied there, he would have been a more rational and learned young man. He became a member of Parliament straightaway, without climbing the steps of the ladder of political and economic experience. Sanjay Gandhi was tinkering with automobiles from childhood nand was the architect of Maruti Udyog Ltd. This firm is the king of auto companies in India and making huge profits and giving the nation global quality cars at affordable prices. GM and Ford, the auto giants of the world are streuggling to exist for more than a decade. Rahulji would do well to study and experience social and economic sciences before he develoips any big ambitions in his mind

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What abour Power and Road situation in Delhi where Congress ruled ?
by V S on Apr 15, 2007 10:14 PM  Permalink 

Actually all politicians are chor and mahachor.

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Taj mahal was not built by shahjahan
by Indian on Apr 15, 2007 04:59 PM  Permalink 

Taj mahal was not built by shahjahan,its tejomahal.temple of lord shiva.

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congress ruled india more than 50 yrs :India's bane
by Indian on Apr 15, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink 

these congress has thrown india into darkness.
wakeup we can build new india by throwing this dirty congress idiots from the country

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Mulayam is out....
by rajat Mahajan on Apr 15, 2007 12:40 PM  Permalink 

Latest trends show that Mulayam has been almost voted out of UP!! He is rejected by Hindus and Muslims...both.

Dear Muslim friends...please dont vote for Mulayam...he is harming you the most for last 20 years. No education or any other development of Muslims...just takes votes and enjoys without bothering for upliftment of community. So vote for Congress and BJP and not for mulayam and Maya..who are epitomes of criminalisation and corruption. He like lallu yadav...makes his voter base more backward to get the benefit of their innocence. He hasnt done anything for education and ecomomic upliftment of Muslims.

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Not a easy solution...
by Rangasamy Vijay on Apr 15, 2007 05:26 AM  Permalink 

It is mostly due to congress & BJP making which failed to build an effective party on principles but allowed so much of infighting in the parties and ultimately leading to so many splinter groups and regional parties all over India. The only solution is for few national level parties and no more of regional petty opportunistic parties. That day may not be far off if congress and BJP become stronger and build a strong mass base all over the country so that power will alternate between them based on their performance. All other parties must melt away or form inconspicuous 3rd front (or 13th front) or so (which will also disappear in course of time).
It is in the hands of the voters to select the right candidates from the national parties only.
Jai Hind

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UP has no good governance.
by Seenu Subbu on Apr 14, 2007 08:35 PM  Permalink 

Correct, Rahul beta, correct observation. UP never has had good governance, even since the days your grandmother made a fiefdom out of Amethi. Even to this day your family treats UP as such but since independence there has not been a single good government. You are right.

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RE:The Bitter Truth
by Seenu Subbu on Apr 14, 2007 08:37 PM  Permalink
So Islam and Christianity have united India after 1947?
They were the scums who ruined India, before 1947.
And not much different after 1947 either.

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RE:The Bitter Truth
by Joel Satheesh on Apr 14, 2007 10:38 PM  Permalink
what the heck are you guys talking about?? Where did the religion come from??

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RE:The Bitter Truth
by Indian on Apr 15, 2007 04:54 PM  Permalink
abey oh m paki,u idiot even u people worship linga in mecca.

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by Indian on Apr 15, 2007 04:58 PM  Permalink
Taj mahal is not built by shahjahan,its tejomahal.temple of lord shiva.
http://www.stephen-knapp.com/true_story_of_the_taj_mahal.htm< BR>

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