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Sonia's servant....not public servant - Manmohan
by rajat Mahajan on Apr 12, 2007 10:56 PM  Permalink 

Manmohan Singh is nothing more than naukar of sonia gandhi. She was bitten by her earlier experience of having a politiacian as PM i.e. Narsimha Rao...thats why she played safe and installed this puppet as PM.....He has no say in goverment, party, election matters etc.

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Can Sonia read Hindi or speak 1 sentence without looking into her Script written in English?
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Apr 12, 2007 07:56 AM  Permalink 

Can Sonia read Hindi or speak 1 sentence without looking into her Script written in English?

Seeing Sonia lecture is a nightmare.

Its media who are pushing Congress. Anyway, it will be unable to retain even 20 seats.

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