Recent studies have shown that there is NO difference in income levels of Hindus and Muslims. Other minorities like Sikhs , Christians and Parsis are miles ahead of Hindus and Muslims. The Sachar committee report is a fraud perpertrated by a communal UPA government to fool muslims and get their votes. Muslims own more business per head than Hindus do. Since they do not like to study in secular framework - they are not able to achieve much in maths and science and get decent jobs. But that is more than made up by their monopoly on several businesses.
Dalit Chritians should be provided a quota in Christian minority educational institutions because they are discriminated against in chritian community. They have separate pews and graveyards.
Christians already have their well funded educaitonal institutions dedicated to their community.
Similarily, dalit muslims should be provided a quota in madarsas and AMU.
RE:Qota for Dalit Christians
by mm gupta on Apr 05, 2007 01:32 PM Permalink
WHAT IS DALIT CHRISTIAN? AS everyone knows 'dalit' is derived from oppressions in a religion.When he has followed Christian faith his religion also follows oppressionism? So is it universal behaviour?OR a person being allured for votes? Giving him advantages over others? WE SHOULD NOT PUSH THE COUNTRY TO MORE AND MORE FRASTIONALISM THIS WAY! TODAY'S OPPRTUNISTIC POLITICIANS CAN DO EVERYTHING ! BEWARE OF POLITICIANS WHO TALK IN SUCH DOUBLE BENEFITS NOT CARING FOR THE STRAIGHT WAYS!
If Karunanidhi has any guts, he should implement the following: 1. All politicians supporting reservation (especially he and his family) should get medical treatment (including specialised surgeries) only from doctors who have got admission into medical colleges through the quota 2.All buildings used by the politicians should be built only by engineers who have got admission into engineering colleges through the quota The end of Dravidian politics will soon come about if the above are ensured. Thanks, P.B.Mohan
nowhere in the world does the majority population get abused as much as in India. please reserve 10% for muslims and 10% for christians, 5% for children of political leaders
thus., the great state of TN will have 94% reservation. If that is still not sufficient, we can add a 5% quota for women ... leaving 1% seats in OC quota ..
way to go .. Dr. K .. you are in the right path to root out meritocracy ...