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Why Karunanidhi is not giving reservation in the Party chief position?
by bsk bsk on Apr 05, 2007 02:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Karunanidhi is chief for DMK for more than 30 years. He can reserve that post to Christins for 10 years and muslims for another 10 years.
Even for CM post also, he can bring reservation.
Every year a person from each community can rule the state. He is supporting women's reservation. Why can't he admit a woman to rule the state? THIS IS THE WORST POLITICS FROM TN CM.

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RE:Why Karunanidhi is not giving reservation in the Party chief position?
by Ram Naik on Apr 05, 2007 07:21 PM  Permalink
Would he let someone outside his family to be a chief minister?????

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RE:Why Karunanidhi is not giving reservation in the Party chief position?
by Prasanna Kumar on Apr 05, 2007 03:22 PM  Permalink
wht u said is right, It is India man don't think our politicians will do this. these politicians made hell of this country in the name of democracy. even most of them don't understand what is democracy, they always want to be in power. you see this guy(TN CM) can't walk properly still he want to come again as TN CM.

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by jawahar ali on Apr 05, 2007 02:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Before talking about reservation...we have to see the matter in every angle....

God doesnt create particular section of the people as brainy....Every individual has his own talents....

Unfortunately/Fortunately the people who below poverty line are converted to muslims and cristians in india.

Before conversions they were more or less treated as slaves not even allowed to enter the temple or anything that sort. Education is not given to them at any stage and they have tilised by the rich people.

After the conversion they were atleast treated equally like others. Praise to GOD.

But as these people not exposed to education so many generation they became dull. Scentifically it is true also. Noone can call them brain-less, let GOD help us not saying that.

So these people cannot flourish in education or other things. So we have to provide them the QUOTA so that generation - 10 will be as euivalent other guys.

So TN CM has done great job by doing this. It may be for political reason but ETHIC wise we have to do that.

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by Arun selvan on Apr 05, 2007 02:54 PM  Permalink
Well Said Buddy

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RE:[object MouseEvent]
by SaiSubramanyam Thoota on Apr 05, 2007 02:57 PM  Permalink
As long as there are people like you, India cannot become a super power. People like u bring bad name to true Christians and Muslims.

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by SaiSubramanyam Thoota on Apr 05, 2007 02:59 PM  Permalink
Arun Selvan, u r Arun Seruppan.

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by SaiSubramanyam Thoota on Apr 05, 2007 02:56 PM  Permalink
As long as there are people like you, India cannot become a super power. People like u bring bad name to true Christians and Muslims.

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by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 02:58 PM  Permalink
super power sai ?????? man wake up !!! didnt u read this article ? TN is heading towards SUPER FLOP and so in india

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by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 03:01 PM  Permalink
since u come to temple straight after doing VIBHACHARAM..we are in a position to see ABHACHARAM.. understood arun ?

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by Biswajit Ghoshal on Apr 05, 2007 03:11 PM  Permalink
Ali - you said to look at it from every angle, but you yourself saw it from one angle only!!

1. Granting anything on the basis of religion is in direct contradiction of "equal rights for all" and secular concepts of the constitution of India.

2. If unmeritorious students/employees are taken in, the standards of education/job are bound to fall down - which will have very gravious effect on every aspect of society.

3. The backward people, who do not have any education OR very little education upto standard 4 or 8 will not be able to take advantage of higher-studies quota (requiring standard 12 study) or good jobs (mostly requiring graduation). Dull boys from affluent backward category will use those quota. The real backward people will remain backward only. Thereby the very purpose of quota, i.e. upliftment of the the backward, will be defeated.

After that what? 100% reservation?? Even that too will be used the same way only - and the backward people will remain backward. Hence quota should be immediately removed. Numerous programs for backward community should be strengthened. Quota will not and never help - except ensuring vote for the quota-maker parties.

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by Prasanna Kumar on Apr 05, 2007 03:28 PM  Permalink
because this only now Muslim and Christian become equal to SC - ST. woooohahahahha

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by Ibrahim Sheik on Apr 05, 2007 03:23 PM  Permalink

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oh.. God!!!
by on Apr 05, 2007 02:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am UK and I have plan to return to TN after few years. But if the stupid government goes on like this in quota issue, I fear I may never return. I dont want my kids to suffer in the future. Already you get seat in good colleges only if you get above 95%. In future it may become 99.9%!!! Nobody cares about improving govt schools and providing good education to backward classes from the roots. All they care is votes, votes, votes.

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RE:oh.. God!!!
by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 02:54 PM  Permalink
are u mad to come back to INDIA from such a good country ?
Infact i was in Reading,UK for past 3 yrs and i am now in india..suffering like hell with this nasty atmospehere, politics and Hot climate..

No one will wish to become poor from rich..so stay back in UK.. dont be a sadist to spoil ur kids life coming back to india

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RE:oh.. God!!!
by underdog on Apr 05, 2007 02:52 PM  Permalink
Joker!!!! If you are an NRI, you are going to send you kids to big private schools and to self fianacing collages!! Why u worry about quota?

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by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 02:55 PM  Permalink
u mean self financing colleges dont have reservation ? whr r u underdog ?which world are u in ?
good id.. its so apt with ur thoughts

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RE:oh.. God!!!
by Vamsi M on Apr 05, 2007 02:56 PM  Permalink
you christians are here to make india slave of europe and US.

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by underdog on Apr 05, 2007 02:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We fight everyday
... South Vs North ...
... Dark Vs Fair ....
... Upper Vs Lower ...

them how the hell we are going to get united? IMPOSSIBLE!!! Can you answer???

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by ashok iyer on Apr 05, 2007 02:50 PM  Permalink
Hello Dear, first you should ask the government to education and other amentias what ever you want for your community like food, clothing, school/college fees etc etc. if you get these things your 100% problem will over. Unnecessary they are providing in the NAME of reservation and we among ourselves fighting each other. Try to understand 57 years we completing of our Independence but government [central/state] are not able to provide the education to minority as well as SC/ST/OBC. Please Please very clear understand that Upper cast never against you people these politicians have very easy tool you people want to be silent. If you get and your family members education I fees there is no need to beg government for job reservation as well as higher studies education reservation. Don't become happy for petty issue this will spoil our international image. I am sure this reservation Revolution started and it will go like fire in all the community. Moreover we younger blood age is 30-35 are majority and we should understand we are 65% majority in India how above 75 age people can decide what is ideal for us. Please cooperate and accept the reality. Don't become rash. After all we all are brother and sisters in some way. ONE MORE IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL DEARS WE SHOULD UNDERSTAND HOW GOVERNMENT IS DISOBEYING COURT ORDER WHEN HON. APEX COURT SAYS THAT RESERVATION SHOULD NOT MORE THEN 50% OF SC/ST/OBC/OR MINIORITIES. BUT IS DISOBEYED .THIS IS PURELY CONTEMT OF COURT %u201CMURDER OF DEMOCRACY%u201D

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by chhackuu on Apr 05, 2007 04:10 PM  Permalink
u r fool. Don't preach and shut up your stinking mouth forever. you mouth emits fowl smell and i feel breathless. u r a chronic constipation guy and doctors have shut doors for you.

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by Aone on Apr 05, 2007 02:54 PM  Permalink

      Don't worry soon u will to know Muslim will take over India. Bcoz Muslim is increasing day by day. U cannot stop; this is the fastest religion growing in the world even in USA. I am Hindu.... but still we have to do something.......... Bcoz Islam is fastest growing in the world it will take over Christianity 2025. Islam will spread everywhere. Trust me I have done the research for more than year from all the country...........Islam is growing very fast.......... We have to something try to stop U guys think Islam only in India........... Islam is second largest religion in the world, It will Christianity by the end of 2025.......... It has been proofed Please do some research Guys...U will come to know...........Islam is growing very fast in china and USA........ Vijay Kumar.........

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by play on Apr 05, 2007 02:58 PM  Permalink
Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson rightly says, "People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMED (pbuh) was born".

Thank You Ya Allah. Nobody can stop the Truth. Many people especially non muslims belive that Islam is meant for only muslims. Infact it is meant for the whole of humanity. I urge Aone and everybody to please read the Quran which indeed a mercy to mankind and please dont make judgements without reading it or comment on somebody elses remark unless you read it for your ownself.

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by underdog on Apr 05, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I dont belong to the lower class!!! But ... the fact is that the UPPER class was the one who were fourcing the system of 'class'/'cast'!!! You were benefited that time!!! Now its the turn of LOWER CAST!! Let them enjoy!!!

You .. just ..watch ....

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by Jigar Shah on Apr 05, 2007 02:55 PM  Permalink
Stupid reply

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Contempt of Hon. Apex court judgement
by ashok iyer on Apr 05, 2007 02:47 PM  Permalink 

Hello Dear, first you should ask the government to education and other amentias what ever you want for your community like food, clothing, school/college fees etc etc. if you get these things your 100% problem will over. Unnecessary they are providing in the NAME of reservation and we among ourselves fighting each other. Try to understand 57 years we completing of our Independence but government [central/state] are not able to provide the education to minority as well as SC/ST/OBC. Please Please very clear understand that Upper cast never against you people these politicians have very easy tool you people want to be silent. If you get and your family members education I fees there is no need to beg government for job reservation as well as higher studies education reservation. Don't become happy for petty issue this will spoil our international image. I am sure this reservation Revolution started and it will go like fire in all the community. Moreover we younger blood age is 30-35 are majority and we should understand we are 65% majority in India how above 75 age people can decide what is ideal for us. Please cooperate and accept the reality. Don't become rash. After all we all are brother and sisters in some way. ONE MORE IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL DEARS WE SHOULD UNDERSTAND HOW GOVERNMENT IS DISOBEYING COURT ORDER WHEN HON. APEX COURT SAYS THAT RESERVATION SHOULD NOT MORE THEN 50% OF SC/ST/OBC/OR MINIORITIES. BUT IS DISOBEYED .THIS IS PURELY CONTEMT OF COURT %u201CMURDER OF DEMOCRACY%u201D

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separate reservation for Muslims, Christians
by vikas ekhande on Apr 05, 2007 02:47 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

rediff post the news to alert people is good job and asking peoples views is good as well.

but i would request rediff to take out those negative views posted by people quickly and keep the positive views.

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RE:RE:separate reservation for Muslims, Christians
by Jigar Shah on Apr 05, 2007 02:51 PM  Permalink
What is positive and what is negative? for people who support this it is positive and those who do not it is negative. How can you remove messages??? Please think..........

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RE:Read and answer Reader's response.
by play on Apr 05, 2007 02:46 PM  Permalink
Mr Magesh goplakrishnan,
from your name i can clearly make out that your are a brahmin and you r the member of the RSS. So naturally i cant expect any good answer excpet the back lash and abusues at muslims.

You people will never understand the truth. Th ebest thing you can do is sit and watch helplessley as karunandhi implments the reservation policy.

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by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 02:49 PM  Permalink
ha ha play,
ur message is playful .. we sit and watch ?
we are least bothered dude ! whrever u come with reservation..brain is some important element to function..when thats not working in u..take more of reservation also.. we are not worried...
U guys got reservation in schools.. no use we hold ranks
U guys got it in arts college - no use we won it
U guys got it in engg collges..again we destoryed thro our tech skills...
Now here..u r welcome...
when ICC invites scotland and holland to play against australia..why cant we invite u to study against us ?

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by venkat on Apr 05, 2007 02:52 PM  Permalink
let him be a brahimin, How can a right thinking guy support "religious resevation"?

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RE:RE:Read and answer Reader's response.
by venkat on Apr 05, 2007 02:51 PM  Permalink
let him be a brahimin, How can a right thinking guy support "religious resevation"?

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RE:Read and answer Reader's response.
by Vijeth CM on Apr 05, 2007 02:49 PM  Permalink
what truth you talk about? in the democrat India everybody should have an equal opportunity and they have it too. its shameful to see some people misusing reservations even though they are financially stable. and Muslims, they themselves are to blame to be misled by dirty politics and for studying in madrasas than in schools.

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by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 02:47 PM  Permalink
U guys got reservation in schools.. no use we hold ranks
U guys got it in arts college - no use we won it
U guys got it in engg collges..again we destoryed thro our tech skills...
Now here..u r welcome...
when ICC invites scotland and holland to play against australia..why cant we invite u to study against us ?

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RE:Read and answer Reader's response.
by beerappa Gowda on Apr 05, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink
this reservation wont effect 90% of hindus live in tamilnadu since most of TN hindu's are OBC,SC/ST catogory. Politically this is a good move by Mr. Karunanidhi and people from other states dont interfere with TN's internal matter. this reservations applicable only for TN state Govt Jobs

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RE:RE:Read and answer Reader's response.
by Jigar Shah on Apr 05, 2007 02:54 PM  Permalink
What do you mean people from other states dont interfere???? You.... It is people like you who divide India.. You talk as if TN is a different country!!!!! Stop doing this first. And you keep talking about HINDUS! Why?? You think there are no other religions other that Hindu, Muslim and Christianity??????? Educate yourself first.

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RE:RE:RE:Read and answer Reader's response.
by beerappa Gowda on Apr 05, 2007 02:58 PM  Permalink
Reservation is a state subject according to Indian constitution

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RE:Read and answer Reader's response.
by Rangasamy Vijay on Apr 05, 2007 03:56 PM  Permalink
TN already bombed to stone age without shedding a drop of blood and loss of lives. Are there anymore left still to be covered under reservation??? That is the effect of prcking from the seat of power. You will find FC only in temple service- probably we can hand over that also to DMK and their henchmen...
Jai Hind

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by underdog on Apr 05, 2007 02:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We fight everyday
... South Vs North ...
... Dark Vs Fair ....
... Upper Vs Lower ...

them how the hell we are going to get united? IMPOSSIBLE!!! Can you answer???

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by vikas ekhande on Apr 05, 2007 02:49 PM  Permalink
it should be how can the Indians get united.....

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