RE:Gr8 news
by Jigar Shah on Apr 05, 2007 03:03 PM Permalink
Hey - Dont say that - that dumbo might here it and do that too and give reservation for Chinese!!! he he
1. It explicitly creates irrational hierarchy among Indians which is against Article 14. 2. Parents covertly train their children to coerce other children as per the above hierarchies. I deplore any other religion that does this.
RE:Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by play on Apr 05, 2007 03:03 PM Permalink
I partyly agree to you not completley.Though i am a muslim. The reason there is a heirarchy is that many of the hindu's do not follow the scriptures at all. These hierarchy had been created by the Brahmin's or the priests to thier own benifit.
Infact Hinduism clearly says not to worship Idols and it is against IDOL worship.
RE:Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by chinmoy chatterjee on Apr 05, 2007 03:45 PM Permalink
But brahmins were always under the kings and Emperers and real brahmins/priests survived on donations.U cant judge all the brahmins like that. Then Brahmins will start thinking muslim means terrorist. Why muslims are getting reservations in OBC quota on the basis of caste.
Actually this kind of thinking is a big manhole created by politicians,dont jump into this.
RE:Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by venkat on Apr 05, 2007 03:08 PM Permalink
Wrong! Hinduism never mentioned about idols and it was non-committal on idol worship but was based on Vedas. Thus by being non-committal it actually became a more tolerant relgion than Islam. The Vedas never advocated caste system based on BIRTH.. You are right in one ways, Hindus did not follow vedas properly and did not interpret it in the right way.
RE:Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by Crazy Human on Apr 05, 2007 03:06 PM Permalink
thats true and the current reservation systems which give importance to only caste only ensures that caste system survives
RE:Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by Abhinav Bhatnagar on Apr 05, 2007 03:08 PM Permalink
Dear M, its not hinduism, its the poiliticians. Theres no point witch hunting now. We need to fix the problem not fix the Blame.
RE:Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by play on Apr 05, 2007 03:10 PM Permalink
I very much agree with all of the hindu brothers.It is very important to discuss and clear the doubts by sharing information about the scriptures and it is a very positive thing to do instead of blaming each other. Quran Rightly says to everybody (all religions) "Come to common terms as between you and me" )that is between Islam and other religion.
Better instead of fighting each other we should proceed urgently to Hon. Court and get the stay order from court. Let we fight for us may be we will die for this but justice should done at any cost. Please be unite all way. %u2018DONOT WASTE OUR TIME%u2019 choose good Lawyers, Mr. F M Nariman, Mr.Venugopal,, Soli Sorabjee,, Mr.Arun Jaitely, Mr.Ashok Desai, Mr.Faranandees, Mrs. Kini Jaiswal and so on%u2026%u2026..
For thousands of generations upper caste people have been standing on our shoulders. And the worst part is even today they are claiming that it is their right/merit.
RE:Payback time
by Serial Tourist on Apr 05, 2007 03:04 PM Permalink
Hey M, are you having sex with teh moderator? He disables "report abuse" button every time. Are you both lovers? Or is the moderator himself inserting these (M is short for moderator).
RE:Payback time
by Aone on Apr 05, 2007 03:00 PM Permalink
Don't worry soon u will to know Muslim will take over India. Bcoz Muslim is increasing day by day. U cannot stop; this is the fastest religion growing in the world even in USA. I am Hindu.... but still we have to do something.......... Bcoz Islam is fastest growing in the world it will take over Christianity 2025. Islam will spread everywhere. Trust me I have done the research for more than year from all the country...........Islam is growing very fast.......... We have to something try to stop U guys think Islam only in India........... Islam is second largest religion in the world, It will Christianity by the end of 2025.......... It has been proofed Please do some research Guys...U will come to know...........Islam is growing very fast in china and USA........ Vijay Kumar.........
RE:Payback time
by ashok iyer on Apr 05, 2007 03:02 PM Permalink
Better instead of fighting each other we should proceed urgently to Hon. Court and get the stay order from court. Let we fight for us may be we will die for this but justice should done at any cost. Please be unite all way. %u2018DONOT WASTE OUR TIME%u2019 choose good Lawyers, Mr. F M Nariman, Mr.Venugopal,, Soli Sorabjee,, Mr.Arun Jaitely, Mr.Ashok Desai, Mr.Faranandees, Mrs. Kini Jaiswal and so on
RE:RE:Payback time
by underdog on Apr 05, 2007 03:02 PM Permalink
RE:Payback time
by Jigar Shah on Apr 05, 2007 03:05 PM Permalink
he he.. Who is this guy eh - UNDERDOG - Apt name for an apt dude - because of cheese - he he.. this is the dumbest thing one can say! Oh man this sould come an all the news!!! ha ha
RE:Payback time
by chaitanya kumar on Apr 05, 2007 03:02 PM Permalink
arun selvan, use your brain dude. Not every guy posting here is brahmin. You are a brainwashed guy.
RE:Payback time
by Crazy Human on Apr 05, 2007 03:08 PM Permalink
thats a flat lie mr 'm' you are poor at maths too 1000s of generations means atleast 30000 years, it is the OBCs who are against SC/ST
RE:[object MouseEvent]
by m on Apr 06, 2007 02:25 AM Permalink
We are generously offering a separate statehood to upper caste/anti reservation people who are less than 10% of India.
Good Karunanidhi ! go ahead ! Kepp on giving reservation to each and every caste leaving behind the real ppl who are with good marks... US has doubled the H1-B for Indians..ppl with brains either from forward caste or backwarc caste have got a better deal with a comfortable life and sophisticated society ... LOOK BACK AT INDIA AFTER 10 YEARS..ALL EDUCATED BRAINY PPL WILL BE ABROAD AND THE COMPANIES HERE WILL BE FULL OF PPL WHO HAVE GOT THE DEGREE THRO RESERVATION AND CASTE AND NOT THRO KNOWLEDGE.... NOTE : US OR UK wont invest anymore in INDIAN IT FIRMS after brainy indians go to US to more u give reservation..more u spoil the growth of the country ... ppl with real talent or skills cant be shaken by your reservation.." whr thr is a will thr is a way " ..reservation was bought in BE,Btech years back but it was still the skilled guys who topped the univ and not the ppl whom u inserted thro reservation... Just learn from America how to utilize talent ! are american citizens shouting against the VISA whioch has been allotted to indians ? thr might be a few but not fools like us.. INDIA AFTER 10 YRS 100% RESERVATION IN PVT COMPANIES 100% RESERVATION IN GOVT COMPANIES 100% RESREVATION IN COLLEGES but no skilled graduate in INDIA and no more onsite projects !!! Good to hear right ?
RE:wish u success karunanidhi !!!
by swati on Apr 05, 2007 02:59 PM Permalink
Arun, If you are so capable, why don't you get there with your own intelligence and STOP whining.....oh you don't have it....POOR YOU... Reservation is like hanging the grandson for murder committed by grandfather.
RE:wish u success karunanidhi !!!
by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 02:57 PM Permalink
Fool is some registered word for these ppl who ask reservation..becoz its something for those who dont come up with brains.. Beerappa gowda ? sitting in TASMAC and drinking BEER aa pa ? crt person to get into IIM and IIT
RE:wish u success karunanidhi !!!
by beerappa Gowda on Apr 05, 2007 03:02 PM Permalink
what shit is there in IIM and IIT man i know personally uneducated people running bussiness and even running industries bettern than your Shit head IIM and IIT guys
RE:wish u success karunanidhi !!!
by vijay baskar on Apr 05, 2007 03:00 PM Permalink
half of tamilnadu is karunanidhi family this cant be destroyed
... are divided by caste / language and hundred other things... this everybody understood from British to politicians (including BJP)... u can't change politicians, no point barking against deaf thieves... 1 suggestion - so y not all hindus convert to christianity/ islam (we can fight agnst each other in terms who one caste can join and 1 language can join or any of the multiple dimensions involved) and then start fighting with each other (we can't anyways stop it, we have languages, backround and n-1 other variables)? if india is 100% non hindu, how will the politicians implement reservation? if possible we can convert to tribal status also... as things'll pan out, then a minority religion can develop from the scratch and politicians will start licking them up... it can be called hinduism if u want or 123 . makes no difference! this process can again continue with new religion 246 or abc... this can go on and on and we can outsmart the politicians! (in case somebdy is naive enough to read this post seriously, get back to work! Nothng shall change! Rotting will definitely happen, whether u like it or not, except for a miracle (probably external invasion by Chinese or other colonialists).. too many pitfalls in the existing situation, u can't salvage it... if u r hindu, first think if u r united across castes or languages, u'll c what i say)
by Jay Z Snoop Dogg on Apr 05, 2007 03:00 PM Permalink
the critical pt anyways is, that Hindus in total, are not very serious abt their religion... for various reasons/ non reasons.. so, if u r not serious abt ur religion anyways, how does it matter whether u belong to religion a or b?
by Prasanna Kumar on Apr 05, 2007 03:15 PM Permalink
Hello Brother, don't think of converting only because of reservation. be best where you are and enjoy your stay in hindism. concentrate on your study and work you will come up in life without reservations. Be confident