RE:for Mr.'m'`
by m on Apr 02, 2007 04:25 PM Permalink
Hinduism is the root of all evil in India. 1. It explicitly creates irrational hierarchy among Indians which is against Article 14. 2. Parents covertly train their children to coerce other children as per the above hierarchies. I deplore any other religion that does this.
RE:for Mr.'m'`
by myfaq on Apr 02, 2007 04:50 PM Permalink
And there are so many words that starts with 'M'...LOL.. Looks like we have another Arjun Singh among us...Are you his son 'M'...
by on Apr 02, 2007 04:22 PM Permalink
Mr.'m'..about what... do u have any reasons to explain requirement of reservations for the rich OBC's and SC/ST's
by simply on Apr 02, 2007 05:32 PM Permalink
The reason is there is a gap of centuries. These people are deprived of their basic rights for centuries. Remember the days when you people were getting 100% reservation.
by m on Apr 02, 2007 06:12 PM Permalink
Demeaning us for 7000 years is enough.
by wani bhardwaj on Apr 02, 2007 04:18 PM Permalink
by m on Apr 03, 2007 12:37 AM Permalink
You don't understand the truth. None of the political parties are on your side. Judiciary is not on your side. 90% of Indians are not on your side.
We are generously offering a separate state/nation to upper caste/anti reservation people who are less than 10% of India.
Ok, it's time to sit down and start serious business. Enough talks on morality, reality, anger, constitutional rights.
We need a broad strategy.
Let's start by UP polls.
IIM alumni, I would humbly request you to take up the issue and formulate a plan. As a starting point, here is my agenda.
1: Voting pattern: Make sure 'Congress the Cancer' is systematically eliminated.
2: Mulayam: Hit him hard, so he pays the price for mollycoddling the minorities.
3: BSP & BJP: I think both of them are good for the moment, since there is a chance that they may tie up after the polls. However, this opinion is subject to ratification from management experts.
Please add more points, however, take care that the main agenda does not get diluted.
by Tamil Arasan on Apr 02, 2007 06:41 PM Permalink
My PidePiper friend.Congress cannot be eliminated just like that at your whim. It is the party of ,by & for the indians. My dear pidepiper,do you smoke a pipe? If you do this is what is called a PIPE DREAM!!!!
by Akash on Apr 02, 2007 03:38 PM Permalink
whenever you vote for a party and it carries out such actions, vote that party out and never vote that party again, In Indian Parliamentary politics there is a lot of choice 24 or more parties, let one party rule for 5 years,if it does good,next 5 years,if it does bad vote it out, if another party takes its place and does the same thing vote it out but whenever you vote a party out make it clear not to vote it again,let that party lose once and for all,when they lose continuously they will not get funds and will become defunct or dead parties only to find their place in history books with golden words,they can take the golden words no problem with that but with flawed and outrageous policies they deserve not to stay there and not to come back again either at nation or state or even municipal,panchayat,labour and student union elections. So this time SP is going out in UP once and for all, whoever comes next better do some good or it's the end of it as well, congress is going to end at the national level once and for all, if BJP does the same thing,it's the end for that party as well, same goes for BSP and other parties. Lets be clear,we vote for a party to do good for all people in this country,if they don't they don't deserve to be there EVER. Choice is ours Power is ours, it lies with the people-spread this message like fire, copy and send it to your friends so that they also know this strategy,let this message never end with history and time,let it be continuous so that all parties which do not work for the welfare of the country know their right place. Let all elections including UP elections as well as other elections stand testimony to it. Spread it like fire!!!Quickly copy this message and mail it to all your friends
by Kalai Selvan on Apr 02, 2007 04:37 PM Permalink
SP out, Congress out BJP in !! Spread this news like fire! Mate ,if we spread this stupid news & if at all BJP gets voted to power then every body's home (except the RSS/VHP guys) will be on fire !!!
We urge YOUTH FOR EUQLAITY to come forward and open its branches all over the country and lead a new agitation against the politicians who are dividing India through the caste based politics and we hope that YOUTH FOR EQUALITY will get enough support in and around the country against this irrational attitute of Indian Politicians. Alas, we missed our Great Leader, Jayaprakash Narayan at this important juncture. We should not sit idle till Indian Politicians mends their ways for the total upliftment of India instead of trying to divide into caste based politics. WE NEED RESERVATION ONLY ON ECONOMICALLY BACKWARD BASIS and FRESH SURVEY IN THIS REGARD SHOULD BE STARTED FORTHWITH. HERE IT WILL COME ALL INDIANS IRRESPECTIVE OF CASTE, COLOR, RELIGION AND IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO AND ESTABLISH A TRUE SECULAR COUNTRY IN INDIA. WE NEED TO IMPROVE INDIAN CITIZEN DAILY LIFE AND WE DON'T WANT ANY DIVISION ON CASTE, COLOR IN THIS CONTEXT. ALSO, RESERVATION SHOULD BE LIMITED ONLY FOR ONE TIME, BUT WE PREFER IT SHOULD GO FOR BASIC AND TOTAL EDUCATION OF THE CHILD.
by on Apr 02, 2007 03:13 PM Permalink
i agree..even i want youth for equality to come forward and open branches...a new party should be formed and it should bethrow the ruling party at the shown in yuva movie...the youth has to come forward to defend itself from these politicians..
I fully support reservations for OBC(s)in public and private sector. Yes, what you read is true, I support reservations.
However, the reason for me to support is slightly different from the proponents of 'Social Justice'.
I support reservations, because I have a bigger target: I wish to see the demise and obliteration of Congress.
The eternal slaves of Congress do not comprehend what sort of fish they have hooked this time. It's a bite bigger than their mouth.
This is going to be the beginning of the end for 'Congress the Cancer'. Already they are microscopic in UP, next they will be polished off from entire north India. Then we will formulate a further plan to eliminate them from South India as well.
Soon they will have their place in the pages of History.
Thanks a lot, Mr.Arjun Singh, this country will not forget your contribution. We will reward you in due time.
RE:I support reservations
by myfaq on Apr 02, 2007 03:04 PM Permalink
Good fore-sight...And we are all short-sighted not to see the big implications of Congress's motives...its trying to self-destruct...Keep it up congress...
1) When you called for the Closure of all schools, colleges, offices, banks, etc on saturday why your SUN TV was open full day??? Afride of loss of revenue???
2) What % of OBC, BC, SC, ST and other reserved category of people are working in the press and other media business that you and your family are involved in?
3) When you need medical attention who is your doctor?? A person who joined MBBS course on reservation category??
4) Does your grand children study in corporation school or in a private school where good qualified teachers from upper caste teaches??
Why double standards?? I know that is the thub rule of all politisions in India.
RE:RE:To Mr Karunanidhi,
by Tamil Arasan on Apr 02, 2007 06:52 PM Permalink
1)Sun TV was open full day because it is an "essencial service" like hospitals,transport etc!! We tamilians cannot live without it!! 2)Karunanithi's doctors are from USA & not AIIMS !! 3)Do you want him to keep out the brahmins from his media business too? Don't dig your own grave man! 4)MK's grandchildren do not study in any school.They are "Home Schooled" by Solomon Papaiah, T.Rajendar & the other intellectuals in TN ! So where is the double standard my Venkatesh sekar pal?
I think the courts should take the cognigance of the Band sponsored by the Tamil Nadu Government and punish Mr. Karunanidhi for openly defying the Supreme Court.