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The general making an assertive statement.
by chanakya on Oct 03, 2006 12:39 PM  Permalink 

As if he is in touch with osaka day in day out !!!

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Osama Vs Parvez
by Gourishanker on Sep 30, 2006 03:22 PM  Permalink 

Why betray betray Bush friendship by giving imaginary/fictitious hints...For sure you can't
afford to lose your dear friend Osama.

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Mush is a cheap entertainer
by Cogito_erg0... on Sep 29, 2006 08:45 PM  Permalink 

Mush is the male counterpart of an Item Girl.

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Dawood, Sallauddin, Omar, Masoor went to afghanistan...
by JATIN PATEL on Sep 29, 2006 05:52 AM  Permalink 

This dictator general is great!! Full of BS, same as war on terror = iraq war. World (International community = US + UK) has to thank dictator for catching pawns of al queda and keeping the royal guests intact under ISI supervised security. Pyare sardar mohan singh can tell dictator to shut up, if he intends to use the military might, that india currently has to secure india's forseeable future. But it is common perception that sardar has joined drunken poet vajpayee in lines of "DO NOTHING", talk with terrorists, and have crapy agreements like shimla agreement, lahore, agra summits and waste people's time. Good job sardar...

If modi, thakrey, or similar leader comes to power in delhi, then article 370, muslim personal law, pakistani occupation of kashmir, blasts after blasts stand some chance of justice. A strong leadership with extrastrong convictions is required in delhi to replace current parliamentary mafias.

Wait for next elections to find out that indians only managed to get rid of sardar mohan's incompetent government to find another incompetent administration, who barks differently & tantamounts to waste of taxpayers money and time. DemocraZy..

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Catch Bin Laden
by Pramod Ekka on Sep 28, 2006 05:16 PM  Permalink 

Musharraf is a coward. Who is saying who is where??? Its time to by pass him or Pakistan and US or India go out there to hunt and pin him down...

Pramod Ekka

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Osama and Musharaff!
by S balasundar on Sep 28, 2006 02:21 PM  Permalink 

Will Musharaff send his army or invite Us forces to his territory to allign with Pak army and send to Afghanistan and find Osama bin Laden or kill the fugitive , in the fight against terror, announced by President Bush .. Is is not Pakisthan's duty to collaborate with the US., as Bush, still holds Pak as its ally in the fight!!
Truly, Balasundar.
Mumbai ..

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shut up
by Atanu on Sep 28, 2006 02:05 PM  Permalink 

Can somebody please tell the man to shut up?

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