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5 Cops Guilty
by ASHLEY CASTELINO on Sep 27, 2006 11:43 PM  Permalink 

If these people were found guilty of conspiracy, they should be hung first, before hanging the blast accused. If the arms and rdx was not allowed into the country, the blast would not have taken place at all. So these so called Indians should be hung to death, so that it is a lesson for other such corrupt officers and constables, not to venture too far.

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kill them
by kunaal on Sep 27, 2006 01:17 PM  Permalink 

hang them

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by Sibi Abraham on Sep 27, 2006 11:44 AM  Permalink 

These Cops who were found guilty are as good as the criminals who exploded the bombs. Just for a mear 7 lacs they let hundreds to die... In countries like US if someone is guilty of one murder he/she gets a life sentence.. and here is mass murder if they are guilty they must be punished strictly cause if they are let loose then nobody would trust a cop ever.

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Be these be a lesson for other so called COPS
by suhasnatyan on Sep 26, 2006 06:01 PM  Permalink 

The harsh, worst, never heard PUNISHMENT should be given to them. If a ordinary man do this then he can be given a punishment which is usually given to these type of people BUT for police it should be a lesson for other policawalas, who are a blur on police.

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This is a Good Lesson for Cops who are Corrupted
by Senthil Alagu on Sep 26, 2006 02:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If the Cops are corrupted and if they allow something small to happen then that results in a big tragedy. This is a good lesson for Police who allow such things to happen.

If the fence graces the crop, then what to do?? Hope the Cops realise their fault.

Senthil Alagu,
Riyadh, K.S.A.

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RE:This is a Good Lesson for Cops who are Corrupted
by partha biswas on Sep 27, 2006 03:07 PM  Permalink
This is just the tip of the ice-berg as we can now assume.In the same breath will we be incorrect to assume that even the latest blast in Mumbai 7/11, that the cops KNEW something was to happen.Reason being that not even in ONE blast any cop was a victim, when normally cops are supposed to be on duty in the First class compartments.7 lakhs is not a small amount for a cop, given the conditions they live in, and the hours they have to put as routine work.And when they see the way some of the corrupt politicians live and the scams they are involved in,it is but natural they sacrifice conscience.Sad but that is the bottom line.It will take a very BIG political will to really get this scourge wiped out. While it is justified that these corrupt cops be punished, let us shed a tear for the reasons that they become corrupt and do what they have done.

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4 cops guilty in blasts case
by Zaigham Ali on Sep 26, 2006 01:15 PM  Permalink 

Does rediff know the names of cops and their position in the force when they were suspended? I ask this for a reason.

I believe that patriotism in India is generally connected with religion. While it would be an exaggeration to say that all Indian Muslims are considered traitors by their compatriots, I do believe that their patriotism (read concern, love and pride for the country) is doubted widely. The answer to my question is imporatnt and needs to be highlighted, if not by rediff than by a forward thinking, Indian muslim organisation, to get the right message across to the masses.

In fact would rediff be interested in investigating how many Indians caught spying (or on charges of...)for foreign powers including Pakistan's ISI were Muslims. I recall that none of those arrested or charged in recent cases involving DRDO, the VRDE and the defense forces belonged to the minority community.

I believe patriotism has nothing to do with race or religion. Patriotism is not about waving a flag or wearing one on the arm... It also has nothing to do with hating another country.

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