How stupid is it to think that singing Vande mataram can make a person more patriot than any other person who doesnt sing. Patriotism is based on actions not songs. Everyone loves their mothers but we dont show love just by singing some songs.We show it by action. Come on guys..wake up This RSS and BJP are finding another issue like Babri masjid to come into power. They already so many inocent ppl many more on stupid issues?
Hilarious. And then Indian media point fingers at Pakistan. This is real secularism. If someone doesn't want to sing it why should he/she be forced. Its not national anthem. Its just a national song. Isn't it. Minorities are oppressed as always in India. Thats why they are increasing in No. every next year. Muslims who at the time partition were only 10% and now are 15%. Just wait another 200 odd years, the problem will be resolved automatically with Muslims getting in majority.
Re: Pity
by Mohindra S on Nov 10, 2011 12:46 PM Permalink
I am a Sikh and dont find anything wrong in the words of this song. Are you against the words or against singing?
yaa all these jerks from the minority communities r worried bout their own religions and not country...they are more worried bout how to spread their religion through conversion and no one gives a rats ass bout our mother india....
National Song has nothing to do with religion. All Indians should sing the Indian Natilnal Song. The government should enforce this strictly. In US, even Indians sing american national anthem when ever they participate in events where it is sung. No body makes a fuss about it. Indians should learn that not everything is about religion.
Vande Mataram-our beloved national song is a "Salute"to one's OWN Motherland,and its singing is not at all communal or political nor does its singing could be hurting anyone's religious sentiments by any stretch of imaginations!A big Tamasha is being staged over its singing by communal organizations to influence inoccent people or incite them towards a communal uprising.Literate people must create a proper awareness amongst the people about this song's basic theme,scope or concept.Since the song is in Sanskrit language,its wording could be difficult to understand for aam-admi or for our school kids.It is a responsibility and obligation of governments in the Centre/States,to help people learn its true meanings instead of letting the unpleasant politically motivated hysteria grow nation-wide,for nothing.Porvide all the people with translations of this song and create a healthy-harmonious climate nation-wide,over the song.Media rather should come in the forefront,to spearhead building a proper"awareness"climate in the country so that nobody,communal or political,gains any mileage,by communalizing the situation over the Song.
I have highest regards for sikh community for its achievements and national contribution. However, when it comes to india, today; their actions are more pro-pakistan under the brain-wash tactics and funds from ISI and pakistan. Mullahs having problem with Vande Ma taram is understandable from the cheap fabric of their character, but sikhs were brain washed under khalistan crap by none other then ISI-pakistan. Arms came from pakistan in to the golden temple. Almost a war was required to flush the arms adn the stubborn brain wash of bhindranwale. It also involved assasination of madam indira gandhi, then PM. Is intelligence community picking up any threads and doing anything retroactively? It seems to me that the mafia politicians in delhi are so busy to have the power under their belt (both BJP and congress) by hook or crook that national unity, integrity, security, and wellbeing of indians have no concern!! This happens only in democrazy. What good is this democracy, where mafias rule by generating vote banks? Anybody and everybody having problems with entire J&K being integral part of India and doing nothing about it, jana gan, vande ma taram deserves pakistan or expulsion.
Hi,now thats important what will now bjp do who is an ally of akalidal?I hope the true face of politicians will be exposed now and for time being the focus will shift from muslims to sikh community...........