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by jj on Oct 11, 2006 06:12 PM  Permalink 

People so far given their comments are foools......

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All r GOD Childrens.
by Ram on Oct 09, 2006 05:41 PM  Permalink 

We all r Gods Childrens. For him there is no religion. We need religon(A way) to rech him. We shall not prank on others. We shall follow our way. Pope will follow his way. U and I Will follow our own way. We all reach the same GOD. Our father of all. Don't raise u r voice with heat for pro r con. Who ever want peace just say. Peace be to all and pray for it. Else u r amoung the people who make GOD to weap.

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Time to invade pak
by Ramesh M. Joshi on Oct 05, 2006 12:18 PM  Permalink 

The time has come to start carpet bombing of pak. We should just remember that not a single soul in Pak should survive and that each and every individual should be sent to meet "The Prophet". Sympathetic people in our country also should likewise go to meet him. The time has come to take control of our country by some learned dictator who can do this task.

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violence in blood or religion
by KK on Oct 05, 2006 03:46 AM  Permalink 

Muslims are desperately trying to prove that the Pope is correct - Islam preaches violence which is reflected in the deed of Muslims all over the world. Muslims have already killed a Christian in revenge and burned Churches. I am sure these muslims are following their prophet. Way to go...

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Proves it...
by KK on Oct 05, 2006 03:34 AM  Permalink 

This proves exactly what the pope has been saying all along - that islam is simply violence in the name of religion.

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kill pope,fatwa of Laskar
by arun raghuwanshi on Oct 04, 2006 10:59 PM  Permalink 

More than hundred years back Swami vivekananda has said about the beauty of different religions- Christianity has element of service to the poor,Islam has the element of equality of all people as brothers(brotherhood and Hinduism has the element of Tolerance of all religions.

Time has come when we as human community combine together these above elemnets-Service to humanity(christianity),brotherhood of all human races(Islam)
and tolerance (Hinduism) together not only in preachings but in real ife practice.Otherwise III world war is around the corner....and this time it will be not war but castrophy(pralaya because of atomic war).May God give sense to our so called leaders and priests,and beasts of terror.
ARUN Raghuwanshi

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