Mr Viko is right. Our Government and our leadrs in Delhi openly support Palestenians, Iraquis, and other people across the world when ever any oppressive action is taken by any other government. But while right close to our country the Tamil people are under seige by the SriLankan Government, the same people in Delhi are remaining mute witness. It will be a terrible tragedy if the Tmilian population is left to be over run by the Sinhalese in SriLanka's Northern Provinces. Our strategists will be held to blame if the ISI takes root there once the LTTE is viped out and that the Tamil population too is demographically reduced. We will have hue problem of refugees in Tamilnadu and the NorthSuth divide will become a reality. It is high time that India gathers courage to tell Rjapakse to lay off Jafna region and let the Tamils have their own self Government as an autonmous region. The situation in SriLanka is in no way comparable to Kashmir. Tthe problem in Kashmir was as a result of open aggression by Pakistan and forced occupation of a protion of the state.
We should not give any form of support to Rajapakse's Government
One cannot pardon the lankans for deliberately killing and attacking tamil civilians. Now it's high time for us, tamils to do something for stopping the silly "rabid" sinhalese dogs from biting us.
RE:Prasad..mind your words..
by Shankar EM on Dec 21, 2006 10:53 AM Permalink
Pleae behave properly and mind your words Mr. Prasad. Please try to use your knowledge and if you donot have enough knowledge seek the help of old texts. Do you know the history of Tamils and have you ever atleast witnessed someone reading books? And please donot try to poke your nose into our age-old tamil history. Silly comments should be stopped. Beware..
Panchkula Nov 27th ,2006(Monday) Rajpakshe's current behind the scene seeking help from India against LTTE continuing civil War in Sri Lanka and escalation through air and Naval conflict is disturbing.We have to be extra-cautious,and do not repeat the old blunders that Late Rajiv Gandhi's govt. did under Jayardhane's plea in 1987.We should insist on Singhalese majority to grant maximum regional autonomy to Northern Tamils in real Federation ,unless they want to go down into the deep ocean of drowning in endless civil war and bring loss of viability of the beautiful island state as one more failed country. D. Goel as a failed state.