I think just after the US senate ratified the treaty they started the technology transfer. The first imported technology seems to be the techniques on raging the proxy (nuclear) war on terror to divert attention of people. I am sure all of you know this. Else, get a copy Fahrenheit 9/11 and watch in your leisure.
War on terror will soon be part of our life. There is no going back on it. But the sudden injection of it is what makes me suspicious.
While I was traveling through B'lore city a few days back, I saw a few activists getting beaten up for protesting against Hu Jintao's visit. It was a very peaceful protest and they were getting beaten up in the cover of darkness by hundreds of police men. Today I read about Hu Jintao making 5 point proposal to widen the trade scope between India and China. Is the history repeating? Don't we have anything to say of our own than what US and China has to? Should we suppress people who are struggling to find a voice using brute force?
However, I am happy that we started using the technology as soon as we got it. Let's really look forward for more such technologies from US and China to fill the voids in our indigenous thought processes ;)
It is pathetic on the part of Shivraj Patil to lament that India's vital installations have come under threat following Indo-US agreement as though the islamic terrorists had not targetted them earlier. Ofcourse every one of our installations is fair game for the terrorists because they are at war with our country in order to spread the religion of mercy and peace by the best way known to them i.e., by killing innocent civilians and destroying the system that sustains them. In fact Shivraj Patil and his fellow secular (anti-Hindu) politicians have already done their best on behalf of the islamic terrorists by repealing POTA, extending mercy to Mohammad Afzal. He should continue to prove his secular credentials by arguing for mercy for the 1993 Mumbai terrorists and the islamic terrorists of 7/11. He would do yeoman service to the cause of secularism if he can bring in a law in the parliament exonerating all terrorist acts by terrorists. Let him concentrate on the job he is good at -- being an apologist for these terrorists -- and not lament "Nuke plants under threat" as though they were not earlier!
even after so much talks, UPA is still not able to reduce terrorism from J&K. Mr. Azad was saying very loudly that he is taking toughest stands against terrorists in Kashmir and still J&K is terrorist's heaven. Is this because Mr. Azad is muslim and UPA is pro-vote bank politics??