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Election rigging
by sohan on Nov 13, 2006 06:09 PM  Permalink 

Rigging in election is a matter all Indians should hang their head in shame for letting it happen.

That the Indian law enforcement officers (they are all Indians) do the bidding of their political bosses is a serious charge. Prove it or shut up! Hiding under Common Knowledge skirt is utter nonsense.

Pity is the public talks of the politicians as if they are from Mars.

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Mulayam's govt in danger
by N. Srinivasan on Nov 12, 2006 05:18 PM  Permalink 

If rigging during local body elections is the main reason, then the TN government should have bgeen packed long ago, on the same count. Will the UPA government dare to do that?

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Mulayam's government being kicked out!!
by Harsha on Nov 12, 2006 04:49 PM  Permalink 

It is good news that this corrupt government is being dismissed. First we had Lalu being kicked out and now Mulayam. It will bring much needed relief to this impoverished state.

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Dismissal of Muilayam Govt ?
by Dehaleesan on Nov 12, 2006 04:37 PM  Permalink 

Will the Sonia controlled govt dare to dismiss Karunanidhi govt in TN. After all, the mother of all rigging has taken place in Oct during the local body polls ?

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