Everyone the world over, knows madrassas are factories for churning out Islamic terrorists. What is most galling though, is that such madrassas in India are supported by taxpayers money and given special status outside the laws of the land. Will Lalu Prasad and his spineless boss Dr Singh have the guts to state that these madrasas are training terrorists and rein them in? No way - they wouln't want to upset their Muslim vote-bank, now would they, the hypocrites.
Too little too late Mr. President. This should have been done innumerable years back....Now, after so many young Muslim lives have been cut down in their bloom....so many impressionable young minds who loved their faith hence were ready to 'trust' in whatever their mad-cap leaders doled out for their consumption....your acceptance sounds like a cruel joke....a slap in the face of the community you profess you belong to.
One last question....which world were you living in Mr. Prez. that you could only now discern what the rest of the world knew for the last few decades....