This comment from Mr Jethmalani te;s that he is a true politician. Tne Supreme court should have some guidelines for the Lawyers too. Probably punish lawyers who try to bring in false evidence. This way atleast the system would be clean.
Typical of what a good attroney should do: Plan A, create reasonable doubt; and Plan B, blame someone else. Who knows, with the kind of corrupt, inept and incompetent buffoons posing as cops, anything is possible, at least that's what Jethmalani is trying to project.
Jethmalani proved my teenage convictions more real than my convictions today. I like movies like Damini & Meri Jung where justice was a result of court room histrionics. Just one counter point Mr Jethmalani: -
"POLICE FRAMED MANU" is your main contention. Though Delhi police is not as intelligent as you has definitely more sanity then finding a scape goat in Manu Sharma, a rich socialite, whose father was a sitting MLA in Haryana and whose grand-daddy was the then Vice President of the country! Our corrupt is definitely better then your argument as far as their performance in corruption is concerned.