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Delay == Failure
by Jatin Patel on Nov 05, 2006 09:04 AM  Permalink 

Delay tantamounts to failure of foreign policy adopted by India. If this was China's bill, it would have already been passed and approved. The wise morons in delhi still don't get it. Despite the excellent help and support by local Indian diaspora, the bill is experiencing the delays which pretty much even tells to local Indian community as to how much both republicans and democrats want to use people of indian origin in USA. Forget the stupid mafias of delhi parliament with sardar madmohan singh as PM and bandit queen soniaji, who proclaim entire J&K as integral part of India, but don't ask for it from pakistan. They (the congressis) like to eat the rottening Shima Agreement, I guess. How great is dumbo-craZy is working for the real rural and poor Indians??? Well you decide...but India really needs to learn from Iran as to how to deal with IC (int. community) if it wants to be a local power (21st century), before dreaming of regional (22nd century) and then global power(23 rd century). The efficacy of congress is such that it takes 100 years to get something accomplished...because it takes 99.99 years to understand what they were doing wrong.

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