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Well Done and Keep up the good work
by ex-Major Naveen on Nov 04, 2006 01:24 AM  Permalink 

Everytime I see soldiers in this God Forsaken part of our country, rewarded it makes you feel proud to have been part of this crowd....

If anyone of the Army folks are reading these posts...please be assured that there are people out there who think highly of you, proud of you and respect your valor and sacrifice for the country.

If only the government comes up with special incentives to reward all of you for your stellar service.....be it a simple matter of extra pay, or extra contribution towards retirement ( like matching your DSOPF upto 10% ) , or placing a memorial in every town and city honoring the soldiers from that place....


But in its absence ...Old soldiers like me will always salute you all.

God Bless and Keep you safe.
Be Victorious ..always.

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baby killers
by yasmin on Nov 03, 2006 11:39 PM  Permalink 

They should be punished not honoured for killing Kashmiris

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Making us erect
by Balakrishna on Nov 03, 2006 11:15 PM  Permalink 

When I saw this photograph, it made me to sit erect and see. The way they stand and discipline in their life is really magnificient. Hats off Jawans!

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by ritunesh on Nov 03, 2006 10:10 PM  Permalink 

It's nice to see our soldier's doing well for our country. Bravo keep it up. Our faith lies with you all.

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President honours Kashmir's bravest !
by Dr.Cajetan Coelho on Nov 03, 2006 08:59 PM  Permalink 


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