It is nothing just a cheap politics, same what the brtish did...Divide and Rule and the same today these Indian Policital parties are doing.
By putting this I am not telling dont give the reservation but I want to point why we are giving the reservation based on caste...if we really want to reform give priorities to pooor people, give reservation to them ...make provision and enviroment in which all the people will able to grow based on there merit.
But instead of these we are just trying to move toward caste based system. Please as a Indian I request stop these cheap politics, do something which make us feel proud on saying ourselve as Indian as well we also feel first that we are indian instead of saying I am in OBC/Upper Caste/SC/ST.
I am all in suport to those opposing the Quaota Bill or any kind of caste reservation for that matter. But if somebody suffers (e.g. not able to get medical attention because of docs on strike), then I think any other way should be chosen to show the protest.
It seems the politicians for the sake of Vote bank , trying to divide the People of country on a racial basis.Where is the True Democracy here.Howcome India will establish itself as a developed nation, if the rulers themselves don't have a true mandate.
are we living in a civilised development bopund soceity or not. better we assure best education to all. and provide level playing field to all so that best talent is coming forward. we need to make a soceity free of any discrimination else the purpose of our constitution is defeated.
to overcome a near political exile arjun singh has thrown the nation into another crisis. a man known for his opportunitist tendencies who fled from the capital in the time of crisis and left people dying(the union carbide case) and who engineered bhopal riots has played his last card to become PM of India. i would still request Doctors that they keep on protesting but not hamper the health services. resrvation is wrong only wrong instead we should promote level pl field by giving education to all and let them compete.manmohan singh is heading a govt who has such ministers who will divide the nation for their self intersts. had i been the PM i might have thrown such peolple out in indian ocean. and tried to takle the isuue in reasonable fashion. all i would req is that we as a nation should not fall prey to such divisive attempts.
Dear Dr. Please do not go on strike as general public will have to bear for this. Let's do one thing, stop giving medical services to our dear leaders who support the resevaton let them take the treatment from reservation quota candidate.
Having visited 150+ medical colleges of the country, I feel it is the most shameful even for Arjun and Cong (Sonia Pvt.Ltd.) who have untimely provoked medicos on a non-issue for capitalizing political gain, in fact are trying to vivisect the country once again like 1947 -then too Congress was responsible and now too it will be responsible if a demand of 'NON-QUOTA HINDUSTHAN' is mooted by someone. After all the Indian Constitution gives right to equality but exception has been made the rule. After all for how many years the reservations were implanted in original Constitution and whether amendments to such clauses were not unconstitutional in itself (and so continuation of English after 15 years of that day)? It is well known no party will come up against 52(or 30 as per NSS figures) per cent of population or votes. Advani will go to DODA but not to MEDICOS-I had this taste when in 1977;we were in jails protesting capitation fee based colleges. Why not quota in Military/Bhabha Atomic centre? Why not quota doctors for VIPs-they need foreingn experts! Why not Arjun-Sonia resign for OBCs. Quota will demoralize talented OBCs. Non-quota will migrate-looser will be the Nation.