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Politicians are ruining the country
by Vijay Vedantam on May 29, 2006 07:12 PM  Permalink 

There was no need for this dirty caste based politics at a time when the country was in the growth phase.

But the Arjun Singh- Manmohan- Sonia gang is dealing a lethal blow to the growth of the country.

I am not against reservations per se but as Manmohan should know better, Economic criteria and not caste should be the basis.

Or else is the Congress tring to dabble in caste based politics once more ? If so, it will be wiped out.

Perhaps we expected too much from Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan. We thought that they would lead the nation towards progress.

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Reservation - A national stigma
by Prashant on May 16, 2006 01:27 PM  Permalink 

Mr. Arjun Singh should relinquish his post first and offer it to an OBC. Trying to encash on votebank he is putting the nation's unity at stake. What is his view on quotas for :
1) Women in Parliament
2) Judiciary
3) Politics
4) Defence Services
Does he want to fill it all ?

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Whats the need
by Deepak on May 16, 2006 12:46 PM  Permalink 

Do Mulaym, Lalu, Paswan needs reservation ? This goverment dividing this country on different basis - caste, creed, religion. They say themsalves secular :). God, help my country to get its dignity and release my country from the politician's claws.

I am an an engineer and in job. I am with you Docs.

Keep going

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by Tom on May 16, 2006 12:00 PM  Permalink 

I am for a review of the reservation policy but as regards the demonstrations by the doctors - I strongly reccomend them to first protest against third rate private medical colleges producing tons of 'killers' rather than doctors and against the Indian Medical Council that pockets money and gives these colleges recognition.
And after taking permission to protest in a certain area, you cannot change the venue and expect the law to look the other way. the law is for all - even though some escape it.
Who gets affected - only the poor who go to medical colleges/general hospitals, not those who can afford private hospitals. Get some conscience, docs.
I do not care for engineers who get overly paid to do work for white men when doctors & others struggle for years to get educated in saving lives and then get measly pays.

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Quotastrike hits health service
by Senthil Arumugham on May 16, 2006 03:45 AM  Permalink 

Ambedkar never said the reservation is for ever. It is nearly 60 yrs. It is cheap politics of Arjun Singh and Centre. What Manmohan Singh can do. He is not yet keyed. Public and Private jobs especially professsional are not like politics. Unlike politics, merit is important. I am with you Doctors.

Senthil Arumugham, USA

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by AB Rahane on May 16, 2006 12:04 AM  Permalink 

Dear Sir,

What I cannot understand is that why only the Doctors are striking? This policy of reservation is going to adversely affect all the students of the country across the board. So why are the students of other streams not doing anything about it? Why are the so called intellectual IITians keeping mum? I feel that these types of vote oriented and anti-citizen measures by the Government must be protested against. Thanks

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Wake up cheap politicians
by Harshavardhan on May 15, 2006 08:46 PM  Permalink 

Its unfortunate to see doctors go on strike making the people suffer.
But it is also pathetic on part of the government to bring reservations into education and jobs. Wake up politicians...its time you move from this cheap politics of reservations. There are many burning issues in India to worry about. Don't ask for a day when the Forward Caste(FC) fight for reservations. Remove all reservations and allow the best minds to compete.

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