While Mr. bhaskar proposes a practical roadmap for India to leverage its nuclear capability, we seem to be neglecting other options. There is a covert programme independently by India and a few other western powers to develop space based lasers known as 'kali'. then there is also the Surya ICBM in the pipeline. The key to safeguarding our nuclear arsenal lies in making them as adaptable to the navy as possible. To put it very bluntly, without startegic control of Afghanistan, for all of India's great power aspirations, its sphere of control only extends to the Indian Ocean and the Far East. Best Regards, Sridhar Chari
PKL. May 12 2006. I very much wish that the ground realities about the Nuclear Club and its antics would ,now ensure that Indian nuclear status is acknowledged , and our peaceful intentiion s respected. Further we are allowed to essay out substantial nuclear technology collaborations to boost peaceful harnessing of fast breeder technology and power that India needs to reach higher industrial growth aimed ,now for last few yrs. I seriously doubt that Nuclear Haves and strategists would let this happen, and shall not think hard to contain the possibility of South Asian Country add to their fears of sharing World power scenario and cause dents into hegemony being exercised by the Nuclear Haves so far...D. Goel