As expected , it is officially made clear by Pak to satisfaction of Indian peaceniks that we can't get away with any sort of status quo and terrorism will be relentless - after killing all in J&K it could be Hyderabad or Junagadh or even a Lucknow next , even if we can avert the nation wide potential civil wars. I have feeling that lasting solution will mean nothing else but blowing out Pakistan cleanly from world map. Even a more humanitarian approach like bringing Pakistanis under Indian flag will be too costly a mistake. Who can take charge - If Congress under M. Singh ( a true sikh)and BJP agree to do it nothing will stop us other than a Begum Sonia.
Do we really need allies- USA , Israel and few like minded countries might come forward if we show clean capability, but UK & our own leftists will live to criticise it always. Yes ,world has a place for barking dogs too.
it's unbelievable that after Kargil Pak authorities have the nerve to talk like this!! It's high time India put's an end to this game once and for all.We don't need Pakistan to tell us what to do with Kashmir!