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Mr Nilotpal Basu on American Policy
by tatab on Mar 13, 2006 08:34 AM  Permalink 

Dear Mr Basu- I think your sudden love for Iran is because of Politics of Muslim votes in Assembly Elections. Jyoti Basu is the biggest culprit of destruction of West Bengal. Why you are again trying to sabotage what Buddhadeb Bhattachary is trying to do.

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Indo-US relation and CPIM
by Sauvik on Mar 08, 2006 02:52 PM  Permalink 

Mr Bose,You are crying foul and demonstating with all
vigour against Mr Bush US President before and during
his visit to India for his act against IRAQ invation.
No doubt it was one of the worst assessment made by US
and must not be supported.In fact India at no stage
supported this move which Mr Bush did not like nor did
the US adminstration.However when USSR invaded bluntly
Afganisthan you the leftist never bothered to coma out
open or in secret against that brutal invation.In fact
the face of leftist are now more clear than before.The
very name of USA catches cold to them and they see nothing good anywhere exept in RED BASTON.WE have not
forgotten your stance during 1962 war.Please go on in
your persuit and make Indian people realise which side
the leftist move - Indian national development and be
a power in economic and security field or be inferior
to China and even Pakistan.You are geting exposed Mr Bose.

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