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Varanasi blast
by S.Hariharan on Mar 07, 2006 09:42 PM  Permalink 

The State Government and The Central has to take immediate steps to warn the community from where such things erupts to safeguard the secular fabrics of India. Otherwise the annihilation process can commence.

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Wake up
by pradeep on Mar 07, 2006 09:36 PM  Permalink 

How many times should we go on alert????? This is so disgusting. I cannot feel safe in my own country. When will the govt acknowledge that even hindus are humans and can get killed? Can't we do anything to make our country safe from terrorists? I think this is the right time we all hindus got together and start a campaign against the terrorists who are just toying with our lives. What's more, the govt continues to sleep on these issues.

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by rawat on Mar 07, 2006 09:04 PM  Permalink 

the centre calls red alert. i hope they know the meaning of "red Alert" and the way to deal with red alert. words do not carry message to the culprits but the action would do.

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4 blasts in 5 months. Shame on Government.
by Sri on Mar 07, 2006 08:32 PM  Permalink 

4 blasts in 5 months.

Blast in HYD on Vijay dashmi 2005

Blast in Delhi on Diwali eve 2005

Blast in banglore in IISc campus 2006,

Now Blast in Varanasi.. Where is the country heading. What is intelligence department doing.. Government should avoid protectionist attitude to appease minorities and issue Shoot orders, No point having innocent people killed and government playing vote bank politics.

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