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by GSViswanathan on Mar 08, 2006 06:01 AM  Permalink 

Dear Sir,

It is unfortunate that innocent people are killed for no good reason, and this should not be allowed to continue in future.

Some drastic measures must be taken, not only in India, but in the entire world to stop this menace.

Why not an Interntional gurilla army be formed by the entire world nations under one command, to fight against these terrorist, by hunting them to their very base round the world and crushing them once for all mercilessly.

Very hurting at the very base of the heart to get news like this every day and so many persons are loosing their livelihood for no good reason and for no mistake of theirs, except that they happened to be in the spot, at that unfortunate time.

Sob Sob with tears.


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Illegal Bangladeshis in India
by Rajdeep Sharma on Mar 08, 2006 01:39 AM  Permalink 

There are 2crores of Illegal Bangladeshis in India. Goverment of India is not doing anything against them. This is only beginning. India will see many more acts like this if nothing done to expel those. India is only focusing on Kasmir. These are real silent killers. They are huge in number. Alart India be aware... Otherwise our future is very grim....

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Varanasi blasts: States on alert
by labrea on Mar 08, 2006 01:18 AM  Permalink 

With India having been a target of ISI backed jehadi terrorism prior to the deal with the US, the jehadis will now ratchet up their attacks as the India-US ties become closer. India needs to create a Homeland Security Dept similar to the US to collect intelligence and strike at the terrorists wherever they are. And money should not be a prime consideration - too much is at stake.

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varanasi blasts
by quasim on Mar 07, 2006 10:54 PM  Permalink 

no words are strong enough to condemn such cowardice act by hardcore criminals. no punishment can match their inhuman behavior. nevertheless, we must ensure that these criminals do not succeed in acheiving their larger goal of deviding the society on religious and communal line.
at the same time it is important we people to be more alert and any suspicious charachtor must be interrogated to revael his identity.
as far as govts are concerned, they are busy in securing and fighting their own battle of chair. in the process they are ignoring their basic duty towards common mass.
central govt must think of handing over the security of all impportant places of worship and railways to CISF who have better credibility in this regard.
media must report responsibly and in matured way. i am pained to note that some news channels have not matured in reporting sensitive issues like attck on varanasi. most of the channels have spent full time on the temple only ignoring the rly. station incident. this turns the situation more emotional than rational and leads to unpleasnt reaction by simple and innocent citizens against their fellow citizens. such tendency in media must be curbed.

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Varanasi blast
by S.Hariharan on Mar 07, 2006 09:42 PM  Permalink 

The State Government and The Central has to take immediate steps to warn the community from where such things erupts to safeguard the secular fabrics of India. Otherwise the annihilation process can commence.

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