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Rahul Mahajan case
by msach on Jun 04, 2006 04:37 AM  Permalink 

Let it not be made a political issue for scoring brownie points against BJP. Mahajan family has already suffered a lot. Conspiracy angle must be thoroughly examined in view of reports about poisoning. It may not be treated as an open and shut case of drug abuse, which conspirators may have tried everybody to believe.

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Rahul Mahajan
by jane rodrigues on Jun 03, 2006 08:24 PM  Permalink 

My dear friends,

We Indians are known for our hospitable manner. We also believe in "forgive and forget".
It is the duty of not only the BJP, but Rahul's family members and all of us Indians to remember that Rahul is still a child. He lost his father recently and suddenly in a ghastly manner. He managed to withstand the assault of the media, for which we must commend him.
It is now the duty of each one of us Indians to help this child to get back on his feet again, by writing him letters of encouragement.
It is now the duty of the BJP leaders like Advaniji and Mr. Munde to help this boy by taking him under their wings and training him to be a true son of India.

Jane Rodrigues

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The fact is the trio has lost all control over the party.
by chanakya on Jun 03, 2006 06:48 PM  Permalink 

The trio, viz. Atal, Lalji and Sudarshan.

They have lost their charishma.

They have no control over the party.

Their batteries have had their lives.

In the interest of the saffron in particular, and in the larger interest of Bharat Varsh and its silent majority, it is very high time that the trio steps down and lets the younger generation find suitable leaders to lead them.

Be that anybody from the saffron clan.

The person so chosen has to emerge through a democratic process and not imposed upon the lesser saffrons.

The trio must then proceed to the Himalayas for introspection because they have delivered nothing of substance at all to the silent majority in particular and to the nation as a whole.

They even failed to reverse the unjust Shah Bano legislation depriving muslim women of their right to live with degnity.

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