Nepal has become the next full-fledged launching pad for terror against India by Pak's ISI, whose intelligence web, with active support from their pal King Gyanendra, is almost as big in Nepal as in India - their web in Myanmar is not too shabby either. Along with Pak China and B'desh, and Beijing's pal Myanmar, India is completely encircled by hostile forces. Further afield, Saudia Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sudan, UAE, and Libya among others, are also in active collusion with Pak in these activities. Unless the mind-bogglingly stupid, myopic, inept, bungling idiots in Delhi wake up to this reality and immediately take serious and effective counter measures, countless more Mumbai-styled bombings are in store for her. But, knowing the fools who inhabit the halls of 'power' in this stinking land, nothing of the sort will happen, leaving the field to the Pak terrorists and its Communist allies to wreak havoc with impunity.