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Terrorist Attack: Mumbai: Please Read
by Rahul Jain on Jul 13, 2006 01:17 PM  Permalink 

Disastrous.pity to Indian Govt and big hails to terrorist.

What's more??? positively more and more to come..It will happen again..and again.

And what our goverment is doing? Sonia, Lalu went to the site of blast with a fleet of 38+ cars, obstructing the mumbai traffic and adding to more trouble and chaos to mumbaikars. And for what? To see the burnings and destructions of the victims. What is there to go instead of taking prompt steps.

Is it that we really wanted from them? When 9/11 occured, instead of going to New York, President Bush addressed the nation and then went to war. And He did. He really did which was seen by the world.

And what our leaders did? They rushed to the site of destruction. and nothing. What steps to be taken?
The answer came from our leaders " We will do whatever we can for the relief of victim families and punishing the culprits". This statement in itself shows the ineligibility of our leaders who themselves are confused of what need to be done.

Our nation believes "Speak before you act or never do anything". Other Nations say "Act before you speak, prove it"

Nothing and no one can help Indians. Atleast not these bullshit leaders.

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PM should join hall of shame and resign
by Jatin Patel on Jul 13, 2006 08:28 AM  Permalink 

Dr Singh should accept that he has no handle over country and its state of affairs. We have seen him react cowardly, submitting to terrorism and going the vajpayee way of friendship with Dictator General Musharaff. What can we expect from Musharaff, but we can certainly scoff Dr Singh for not being able to bring 92 riot culprit Dawood from Pakistan to India. It is height of shame for Congress, which has created a legacy of inaction and rattling instead of swift and result oriented actions.
One thing that Dr Singh can do is resign, before he faces any public opposition for his inactions. Let the thrid wave of new brand of party and politicians breed in to Indian political system. Enough of congress and BJP and subsequent coalitions.

Shame Shame to hall of Congress party and their SC/ST/OBC policies. INACTION has no excuse. That's why Dr Singh or Vajpayee were elected.

It's up to them whether they want to make India a worlds largest democracy or indicate India as worlds largest democratic joke.

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