There is no quick fix solution. Our political enviornment is so corrupt and impotent that no body hopes any thing good from it. Just see how political parties supporting communal forces behind the veil of secularism. Until unless religion govern our life we can not come out of this unfortunate state. Our whole value syatem is based on so called tolerance and 'chalta hai' attitude. Utill unless we do not change this posture consiously, nothing can happen.
According to this article,10% of Indian Muslims are terrorists or sympathisers.If that was the case India would cease to exist as it is now.The people committing these terrorist acts come form Muslim/Hindu or any other lineage.It is not just one specific community.The inspiration behind all this is no religious book or philosophy but easy money which is to be made by some misguided youth.Indian Muslims are as Indian as anyone else,even though it is true that a miniscule percentage might sypmathize with the Pakistan cricket team but even they dont sympathise with these acts whether they are carried out by any gruop.Please do not let our tempers get the better of us.Let us all try to think straight and let us all do the best we can to help those who have been injured and those who have lost their loved ones. Let us be INDIAN at a time like this.Because if you truly are a patriot,you will all go out and help those in need instead of accusing each other and spreading hatred. Please lets all volunteer for any help that we can give to the victims, government or police at a time like this.Volunteer your services and make urself useful.Thank you all and Jai Hind
Now India should declare war on terror like US. See after 9/11 there were no terror attacks on us. We cannot solve this terrorism by peace talks. We have to be proactive. See when terrorist hijacked our plane we released terrorist, and what see what isreal is doing when their one army man is captured.
The terrorists have put the whole Muslim community in shame once again.Motivated by false interpretations of Islam ,once again they have commited an unforgivable crime in the name of God. They claim to follow the puritannical form of Islam.But do not understand a basic fact that the Creator does not like those who annihilate His creatures. A little introspection is what is required to be done by the whole Muslim community. Why do we harbour such criminals in our mosques , madrassas ? Any information which could lead to the prevention of a terrorist act is a noble action in the sight of God. I request the readers also to differentiate between the majority of Muslims who respect the pluralsim in our society and the terrorists. Many people do not know that the the terrorists all over the world follow a deviant version of Islam called wahhabism which has its roots in Saudi Arabia. The majority of Muslims in India do not adhere to this sect of Islam but follow the moderate path advocated by Sufis. The government should tighten the noose around the terrorists with more stringent laws and prevent the flow of funds from elsewhere. Believe us , you can count on us.
i do condem the blasts and some say its done by muslims but its not its done few muslims who have no fear of allah and they hve no religion they are is sure a political connection with bomb masters . so plzz dont make comments like this. becoz a muslim is a also an indian