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Stupid Grudge...
by Shrishti on Jul 12, 2006 11:28 PM  Permalink 

You know it seriousely is getting on my nerves now. What the hell could be so wrong in living happily?I've had it with all this stupid dumb war with pak....LET IT GO....why cannot people understand that?.

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''Militant'' indeed!
by Cogito_ergo... on Jul 12, 2006 05:34 PM  Permalink 

Why does rediff refer to such people as "militants"? Don't you have a proper English dictionary? Or, is it an Islamic English Dictionary?

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Militant held.
by Abhay Joshi on Jul 11, 2006 11:26 PM  Permalink 

Dear Delphi Police,

You have done a wonderful job. But whats the use? Some dalal(Vakil) will fight his case and even win after 2-3 years (am i too optimistic here?).

There are many like me who sincerely believe in Gandhiji's principles. But, whats the use of only we talking of ahimsa when opponents are constantly resorting to himsa?

Instead, just hand that person over to the public so that next time one will think twice before comitting such shameful act.

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