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YES , George lype.... It's true AP. will lead in Jihadic expertise !
by ratnajayant gudavally on Sep 16, 2007 08:07 PM  Permalink 

The rulers and the ruled are smart enough to exploit the situations. The middle class keeps scratching their heads but they too are falling in line with the masses.....MAKING HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES !!!!

Crores might have changed hands......but the affluence will make the innocent shed tears of blood, just like the blood that is flowing in Hyderabad%u2026..and rest of the world not only Indian cities.

The terrorist has identified that the money hunger will make patriotism a saleable commodity and has purchased the powers that are supposed to be protecting this country.

That is the confidence booster of the terrorist when he says ' wait and see, we will kick you and convert you along with US"..... That is the state of mind of these fanatics.... They kmnow money can buy loyalty till the extent of religious conversions%u2026%u2026Money or sword !

It is time the corrupt wake up before the terrorist proves it right. All the money and wealth amassed by the betrayers of this country will not save themselves and their progeny.

It's time the younger generation realised this and stoppeed the senior generation to run after the terrorist money.

The terrorist makes the receiver a counterfeit money circulator and also a betrayer of MOTHER INDIA.....It will in turn destroy all the future generations.

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by Soundarajan on Aug 29, 2007 07:04 PM  Permalink 

Why is it that some 'terrorist' attack occurs whenever ordinary ppl join hands against the New Roman Empire aka USA?

1. 'Varanasi' happenned when there was mass protest against Bush visit to India..
2. Now 'Hyderabad' when we opposed the enslavement of our Nuclear reactors by USA

When will you open your eyes? This globalisation is just a Capitalist paradise for the USA and its junior partners!

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by tushar on Mar 12, 2006 02:06 PM  Permalink 

The article on Jihad in AP looks like kid writing.

It is true that AP has been the hub for the terrorists. But the reasons cited for this in the article are not correct.
The photograph of Osmansagar is a old one may be a taken a year ago.(Osmansagar is now full of water)

If drought has forced them to terror then the AP would have been boiling. Most of the Muslims are not agriculture labours or farmers in the State.
Most of them are traders, vendors, tailors and so on in the rural AP.
A few of them are in agrcitultural sector.

Apart from this Police of AP police(Hyderabad) are effedtively curbing the terrorism. This aspect was not discussed at all.


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Jihad and AP
by Prakash Iyer on Feb 06, 2006 03:18 PM  Permalink 

I disagree with the writer. Neigther Flourine,chlorine nor poverty is the cause of terrorism. Look at the case of violence across the islamic world including the muslims of J&K on the depiction of Muhammad's cartoon by a Danish paper.
Terrorism and violence is endemic to Islam.

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ap muslims
by jameel hasan on Feb 05, 2006 11:41 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The article is full of lies. Not a single muslim has been convicted by the law. Only Rasist/Fundamantal minded police/buracuracy is always coming up with rubish stories about muslims. From kasmir to kanya kumari never muslims had/have or will be against the indian nation. They are more patriotic then many hindus how have done huge blunders and frogery again our nation. Multi millions of scams have been done and still but no government wants to take it up. I request not to unnessary defame peace loving people and try to make mountain out of zira

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Message deleted by moderator
by Pradeep K Muduli on Feb 03, 2006 12:17 PM  Permalink 

We all have to pay the price of our past deeds and that's what every country is doing.

Once upon a time India was looted by countries like Afghanistan, and west asian countries and we can see the state they are currenly in.

Terrorism, espcially in India, is the price of secularism (so called) that has been followed from the time of struggle for Independence(?)

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GOOD article
by akku on Feb 03, 2006 08:52 AM  Permalink 

gud work.. keep it up

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Andhra - New Jihad Hotspot
by Musharraf on Feb 02, 2006 12:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Can we have a change in taste. You people seem to be in a habit of fishing from the same lake. It would be practical for rediff in the future to publish articles that prove a point. If AP is the new recruiting place for Jihadis whats the destination for RSS, Bajrang Dal? I am sure you are aware they have recruits from all over India for spreading In-country Terrorism.

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RE:Andhra - New Jihad Hotspot
by Abhay on Mar 10, 2006 06:30 PM  Permalink
Mr. Musharraf,

You are not getting the subject right. We are discussing here the terroris and the so called JIHADI activities like bomb blasts etc. Please refer to the past records and check where the RSS involved in such terrorist activities? Dont lie if you dont know the facts.

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