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by bhupalgoud on Feb 03, 2006 08:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

reddys have no right finger against gandhi family . because in andhra pradesh this people are rulling A.P since 55 years do u think no other caste people are not their.

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are there no others better than Rahul???//
by U.Chandrasekhar on Jul 12, 2006 08:04 PM  Permalink
Why buddies , u think Manmohan singh isint better than rahul?

It is just the hype created by the congress and media towards dynastic politics and that ruling capability comes from blood ( or DNA may be).

Our present PM is a lot more Justified to be PM than any other person in India. But coming to capability, who allows him to go his way. Neither the Congress ppl nor the masses of the nation want development politics. They only want heroism and family name.Some strong sentiment to which they can hang on for power.

This is all what this congress is all about. Just see how the Leaders are choosen in communist parties and the secrect behind Jyothi basu ruling bengal for so many decades.

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Rahul & India
by Sanjiv on Jan 25, 2006 12:57 PM  Permalink 

Except for the fact that he is Rajiv Gandhi's son, nothing is known about him, his education, what was his profession, his girl-friend, his knowledge and vision. Yet you feel that he is leadership material for a country as large and complex as India.

Let him start with Amethi and Raibareily first and remain confined thereto.

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Congress beyon 10 Janpath street
by gudtalk on Jan 25, 2006 10:48 AM  Permalink 

Congress beyond No. 10 Janpath street.... Is that too much too expect?? Why, off late even the royal families in countries like Bhutan have shown some inclination to let go the family rule.

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ayodhya & iran...
by karigar on Jan 24, 2006 10:36 PM  Permalink 

ayodhya & iran are the important issues facing the nation ??

I thought it was "poverty alleviation" or other high sounding things, even for the "secularist:...

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Rahul and India - a shame
by Gangadhar Reddy on Jan 24, 2006 06:11 PM  Permalink 

Nehru - Indira - Rajiv - Sonia - Rahul/Priyanka who is after that. Can't Congress find any other leader aprt from this toddler, to lead them.

A bunch of 210 people from Amethi makes a noice in the recent congees plenary, and every one inlucluding the press makes it a big story.. It's a shame to this 100 crore populated country???!!!

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