The fundamental tenets corresponding to the article " The Political Puzzle Called UP" is borne out by the current political situation in UP which is charecterised by general lawlessness stemming inter-alia from communally motivated machinations. In the absence of any serious opposition from the mainstream political parties including Congress, the current scenario in UP is riddled with political expediency whereby the law does not necessarily apply to those in office.
I must congratulate Nirmal Pathak for having made apt assessment of the reason for political debacle of Congress in U.P. I somewhat agree with his reasoning but would like to add, the problem is much deeper. I travelled a lot into the interiors of UP with some very senior Congress leaders with the intention to make a difference and contribute to the party. Belonging to a Yadav community and being highly qualified professional (I a practising Advocate in Supreme Court and hold a Masters Degree in Law from England with Bachelors Degree from St. Stephens College, Delhi), I strongly believed that I could help in changing the mindset of, if not the electorate in the immediate future, but at least of the so-called leaders of Congress in UP. But to my dismay their day starts with worrying about their tommorrow and ends with having saved their yesterday. Each one of them is working for their personal gain with no sight or vision to improve the party image or to assist the village folk, who constantly look up to these leaders. What is worse they excessively hold public rallies/ meetings without any concrete outcome. This in a nut shell is the real reason for decline of Cong. in UP.
This piece of so-called Political Analysis by Nirmal Pathak, what ever the author may claim about the pragmatism in it, is no less an attempt to divide and decimate the Hinud votes. I have never read any analysis which pleads (like the way this one has pleaded, begged Sonia - sic - Gandhi's attention) any other political party. It also makes me doubt the political neutrality of your portal as well, looking at the number of articles published praising Rahul Gandhi, highlighting Sonia's aversion to sycophancy (though she wants her party members to do the same).
Bravo! Vinod Mahesan. Great! reply to this article full of starnge arguments, to say the least. There is no doubt that today practically all Indians are thinking along the same lines as you have wrtten Vinod. We need today leaders,journalsts, writers and editors who inspire to create in India an environment where every working Indian earns enough to live decently with a minimal standard of life. But our leaders, journalists, writers editors etc. seem to be going in opposite direction. All they do, most of the time, is publish such article or give similar lectures and press statements creating hatred and abusing and labeling every one else except themsleves with words communal, fascists etc. Great hope is from average Indian, part of silent majority , of any type, any religion or any cast, certainly most of them from majority community, who despite this ugly behavior from our politicians, anchors, etc. are moving country in opposite direction - towards development and making average life better. In fact more the ugliness created by these people, stronger seems to be becoming drive of average Indian. Let us hope it conitnues in this until we reach this goal of better life.
I would like to comment on just one part of this article - The one which states that Brahmins have not ben loyal to any party. The author, I guess, has been very selective in his observations or his source of information.Needless to state that Every group or caste in UP or elsewhere has had to switch its loyalties at some point of time depending on who served their interests best or who harmed them least. Let us understand - As long as political parties keep switching loyalties, the converse is also bound to happen and NO single group is exception to this.
I do not understand as to what NEWS value such articles give. This article should have been a private letter addressed to Congress President. This article does not even analyse the political situation in UP properly. When Samajwadi Party is doing fine, why should we clamour for Congress to return to power in UP. What did Congress do during the 35 odd years of its rule , other than creating divisions in the society. Rediff should not carry such articles.
this is absolutely pathetic situation for the rulling party today . congress know that the UP and Bihar are the states they must have in their kitty to have next central government on their own but they dont know what to do . if congress cant show pollitical maturity in retaining allies all the options are closed except one CRUSH YOUR OPPOSITION BY ANY MEANS .
i still opine that the only way to have clean pollitical system is to wipe out regional parties totally so only two remains Congrss and BJP .
RE:Sonia - Can u show the pollitical will
by juggu on Jan 21, 2006 05:28 PM Permalink
nepal is hindu.has it solved its problems.hinduism is no mantra to is a way of life.brahminism and other hinduisms are a reality.let us find good people of every religion to get rid of scamsters,outright rascals and the corrupt.bjp,rss,vhp are no better than others as seen in recent exposes.jug
if hindus in india needs to survive this is the right moment to establish hindu nation. support rss,vhp,bjp for the sake of hinduism, otherwise u hindus will be doomed. india is now rule by anti-hindu italian mafia sonia-cong-islamic jihadis-christo conversionist fasicist forces.
hindus are 82% (other indian religions like sikh, buddhism and jainism constitute 4%, so total strength of indic religion is 86%; and non-indic religions are 14%: muslims 12% and christo 2%), to maintain this balance we need uniform population policy that is 2 child norm for everyone except for parsis and jews they are very very small in number. 2 child norm will give religious demographic balance as well as solve unemployment and poverty problems in india.
make india (bharat varsha) a hindu nation, and replace indian tricolour with saffron flag. replace asoka chakra with swastika. replace jana gana mana with bande mataram.
RE:hindutva zindabad
by S. VENKATARAMAN on Jan 21, 2006 05:49 PM Permalink
Sri. Raju should write more and more articles like this to rouse the dormant Hindus. I hope more and more authors will gwet inspiration from Sri Raju's article to pave way for Hindu Raj. Kudos to Raju.Continue your efforts. We are with you. Stop not til the goal of Hindu Raj is established.