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The whole suffering Tamil community plead to the United nation
by siva siva on Feb 12, 2009 06:49 PM  Permalink 

The whole Tamil community suffering for about 50 years in Sri Lanka plead to the United Nations to provide a piece of land to survive.

This is the time UN to take its role in world order.

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Sri Lankans lack Guts
by Colonel SS Rajan on Jan 13, 2006 01:50 PM  Permalink 

For the Sri Lankan Govt. to say that,it would not return to war with the Liberation of Tamil Tigers Eelam rebels despite the acts of provocation by the latter; shows clearly that it lacks guts and the will to fight.If this is their attitude, I am afraid, it is only a matter of time when Sri Lanka will cave in and accept EELAM, an independant state as envisaged by the LTTE.It is a matter of shame that Sri Lankans lack the courage to go to war to safeguard their national unity & soverignty. God help Sri Lanka.

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